Thursday, December 26, 2019
Possession in The Exorcist Essay - 2374 Words
Being Possessed The idea of possession can frighten many people. What horror movie producers and directors that go into this field are counting on is that they can use it to frighten their viewers. The Exorcist and The Exorcist Beginning both are centered on the act of exorcism. Both demoniacs in the films are women though their fates are polar opposites. The exorcisms are also shown in different lights. This is done through special effects as well as lighting and music. The first film in the series stays with a cut and dry method of keeping mainly to the exorcism itself; however, its prequel focuses more on fancy special effects and stimulating music. The newest addition to The Exorcist series also adds in the usual Hollywood†¦show more content†¦And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. 31 And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. 32 And there was there an herd of many swine feed ing on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them. 33 Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked (Luke, 8:30-33). Not only did He bring exorcism into the Christian faith, but also by bringing it to his apostles, he set the precedent for future exorcisms through their techniques (Brakke, 1). These techniques have been continued throughout the following ages to expel a multitude of demons and spirits. The exorcism itself involves a holy man as well as the correct materials. The exorcist is usually a priest or other clergy official of the church clothed in surplice and a violet stole. The tools that they need include the crucifix, holy water, and any saint relics (Nauman, 41). The exorcism is to be repeated if necessary to fully drive out the demon. After such event, the cured person is to seek a life in Christ by devotion and spread the word of the Lord. This fills the gap left by the demon so that it can never return (Baker, 109). Exorcism is not as much of a hot topic andShow MoreRelatedThe Exorcist Defines the Horror Genre Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pagesthe air around Halloween, the film industry likes to fill in the holes between its major grossing seasons by filling the audience with fear. However, it was Christmas of 1973 that defined the new age of Horror, when William Friedkin released The Exorcist. 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Furthermore, through a close examination of scene from â€Å" The Exorcist†(1973) a closer parallel can be drawn between Richard and devil, and how they both use casual possessed power and hidden power. Richard is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a silent killer. â€Å"What black magician conjures up this fiend To stop devotedRead MoreThe Effects Of Demonic Possession And Psychological Illness1461 Words  | 6 PagesMany have tried to argue for the existence of demonic possession, some even go so far as to say that demonic possession and psychological illnesses are fundamentally different. If mental illness and demonic possession are not simply different names for the same thing, then we are left with two possibilities. Either they are unrelated phenomena, or there is some kind of association between them. Of course, even if they are unrelated, they may still be confused with each other because of superficial
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Trump And The Political World - 1013 Words
Questions have arisen about why Donald Trump is doing so well in the political world. Trump’s predicted votes are continuing to go up, and has majority lead in the current polls. However, are the American people sure why? I believe Trump is leading in the polls due to his interest in the United States’ national debt. Although one way Trump is planning to rid our debt is by cutting into US citizens’ tax returns, I believe Donald Trump has the political world wrapped around his finger because of his initiative and courage with ridding the US debt. The American people should be able to see the overall picture of what Trump is aiming for. It is a brighter future for all involved as US citizens, even with cut tax returns. Trump is ultimately†¦show more content†¦Some reasons being, national debt, religious exemptions, trade, unemployment, healthcare, ISIS, United States nuclear stockpile, Education, Social Security, immigration, and Infrastructure. Most past presidential candidates have focused their arguments on one main thing, and not a lot of different things that piece together, like a puzzle. However, one huge piece of this presidential puzzle is the economy. Why wouldn’t the economy be a huge part of the puzzle? The economy alone is what reflects on everything else in this puzzle, so let’s say that everything else that Trump is saying is a puzzle piece and the economy is the glue. As we know, the US economy is in bad shape, and the national debt is literally increasing by the second. Debt and the economy influence everything everyday people on an everyday basis. One of the main things that Trump wants to do is rid religious exemptions from taxes. A lot of people do not agree with this up front, but take a closer look at it. For example, the churches; each official member of the church pays a tithe. A tithe is 10% of your income that week. So, every person in a 300 plus church with 10% every week, that church is very wealthy. That church does not have to pay any sort of taxes to the government. Amish do not pay any taxes whatsoever, but still use our highway systems and hurt our roads with their metal wheels and horse hooves. Now, look at all that
Monday, December 9, 2019
Accounting BHP Billiton and Santos Limited
Question: Discuss about the Accounting BHP Billiton and Santos Limited. Answer: Introduction Conceptual framework has been hailed as a significant tool for reducing discrepancy and bringing higher corporate reporting parity. The conceptual framework is an ambitious project which allows for the basic tenets with regards to accounting norms so as to meet the information needs of investors, suppliers and creditors. Considering that the underlying basis of accounting standards prevalent in the respective nations would be derived from the principles outlined in the framework, it would also encourage accounting standards harmonisation while providing flexibility for meeting localised needs (Melville, 2013). The accounting standards in Australia are dictated by Australian Accounting Standards Board or AASB and since these are based on IFRS, hence the various principles outlines in the conceptual framework are also taken care of (Deegan, 2014). Considering the above, the report aims to opine on the adherence of the AASB standards and the underlying conceptual framework by considering the annual report of BHP Billiton and Santos Limited. Both of these are mining companies based in Australia. Also, the report would focus on the conceptual framework revision to reflect prudence and the underlying implications. Additionally, the disclosure made by the underlying comparison and a comparison of the same is also included. Annual reports compliance For the purpose of this report, the latest available annual report in the public domain has been considered to evaluate whether these adhere to the conceptual framework and compliance. Before moving forward, it is worthwhile to consider AASB standards in relation to significant items in the companies that have been chosen. AASB 116 PPE With relation to recognition, measurement and reporting of plant, property and equipment, the relevant directions are provided by the given accounting standard. As per this, only those assets must be recognised which are likely to bring in future economic benefits and also measurement of cost in a reliable manner is possible. With regards to initial measurement of any PPE, AASB 116 directs that to be carried out at initial cost. However, in relation to measurement at a later stage, measurement may be carried out either using initial cost or revaluation as may be deemed fit by the reporting entity. But, it is imperative that the underlying choice must not be limited to singly assets but should encompass the complete asset class (AASB, 2010a). AASB 102- Inventories The measurement of inventories as per AASB 102 must be carried out using either the FIFO or weighted average method only. Also, inventory having same nature must have same method of measurement. Besides, the valuation of inventory must be made at lower of the cost and the actual value realisable at the given time (AASB, 2015). AASB 136=Asset Impairment The underlying assets valuation does not remain constant. Hence, AASB 136 recommends that infinite life intangible assets along with goodwill must be subject to impairment testing on an annual basis. Besides, other intangible assets and all tangible assets should undergo impairment testing in case of existence of any information that may hint towards the same (AASB, 2010b). AASB 137- Contingent Liabilities It is required that the underlying entities in their annual report must capture potential obligations expected to arise in the future that is expected to be outside their control. Additionally, any potential obligation that has arisen in present but has unreliable measurement would also be reflected in the form of contingent liability (AASB, 2010c). BHP Billiton The adherence of the company with the above accounting standard coupled with conceptual framework principles is discussed below. AASB 116 The relevant accounting policy extract is shown below (BHP Billiton, 2016). The above policy is fully in line with the relevant accounting standard. Considering the business model of the company, exploration costs are significant and decision needs to be made as to what could be classified as PPE. The relevant policy extract for the same confers with AASB 6 as shown below (BHP Billiton, 2016). The policy stated above tends to pay consideration to the definition of asset as is contained in the conceptual framework and only recognises the exploration costs as assets when the certainty of existence of reserves is established AASB 102 The companys accounting policy for inventory is identified below (BHP Billiton, 2016). The above inventory accounting policy confers with AASB 102. Also, the outline in the conceptual framework is also adhered to in the policy. Additionally, the fact that inventory measurement reflects the actual value is in line with the associated characteristics of information to be extended to the relevant users (Deegan, 2014). AASB 136 The accounting policy for asset impairment is as shown below. The above policy tends to adhere to the AASB 136 and also the broader approach outlined in the conceptual framework. Also, the above policy ensures that only relevant, complete and accurate information is passed on for prudent decision making by relevant users (BHP Billiton, 2016). AASB 137 The accounting policy for contingent liability is as shown below (BHP Billiton, 2016). The policy adhered to by BHP adheres to AASB 137 and ensures that that the conceptual framework is complied with both in letter and spirit thus ensuring prudent decision making by the relevant users. From the description of the policy and the underlying business mode, it is apparent that these may assume significant proportion. Besides, various events that could potentially give rise to liability are also captured as significant events in the annual report (BHP Billiton, 2016). From the above, it is apparent that BHP Billiton through its significant accounting policies not only adheres to applicable AASB standards but also the conceptual framework principles. The most significant testimony of this is provided by the detailed information provided by the company in relation to the Samarco Dam failure and the potential liabilities that may arise due to the same in the present and future (ICAEW, 2006). Santos Limited AASB 116- PPE The companys accounting policy for PPE is identified below (Santos Limited 2016). It is apparent from the above that AASB 116 is adhered to by the company not only with regards to the acquired assets but also for the in-house assets under development, The asset definition as reflected in the conceptual framework is also fulfilled (Deegan, 2014). AASB 102- Inventory The companys accounting policy for inventory is identified below (Santos Limited 2016). The above inventory accounting policy confers with AASB 102. Also, the outline in the conceptual framework is also adhered to in the policy. Additionally, the fact that inventory measurement reflects the actual value is in line with the associated characteristics of information to be extended to the relevant users (Deegan, 2014). AASB 136- Asset Impairment The accounting policy for asset impairment is illustrated below (Santos Limited 2016). The above policy tends to adhere to the AASB 136 and also the broader approach outlined in the conceptual framework. Also, the above policy ensures that only relevant, complete and accurate information is passed on for prudent decision making by relevant users (Santos Limited, 2016). AASB 137- Contingent Liabilities The accounting policy for contingency liability is illustrated below (Santos Limited 2016). The above policy clearly indicates that the policy adhere to AASB 137 and also ensures that future potential liabilities outside the entitys control are also listed. The above analysis of certain segments of significant accounting policies is clearly indicative of the fact that relevant AASB standards are adopted by Santos in the preparation of the annual report. Additionally, the basic tenets of the conceptual framework are also built in which reflects that the information available to the users is timely, accurate and enables prudent decision making. Addition of Prudence The conceptual framework as envisaged originally did not endorse prudence due to the underlying conflict it has with neutrality. Prudence as a concept implies that the management while deploying the various accounting policies and judgement should ensure that revenues are not overstated and liabilities are not understated as there is inherent reason for the company to engage in the same thus inflating profits. The application of prudence is limited to transactions where there are uncertain implications and hence management discretion is needed (ACCA, 2014). Even though the concept itself is not new but its addition in conceptual framework has been mired with controversy and intense debate as on the face it seems incompatible with neutrality. Hence, tweaking has been done in this concept and the same has now been modified to cautious prudence (Deegan, 2014). It is quite likely that prudence as a principle could potentially result in diminishing disparities in corporate reporting as it tends to dampen the aggressive judgement deployed by management in their discretion of certain transactions. Prudence brings about more realism in relation to the management judgement and hence enhances the information quality being released in public. Certain stakeholders have been opposing prudence as they believe that it brings about a negative bias in the financial reporting and thus amounting to misleading the users (ICAEW, 2006). The original concept of asymmetric prudence did have this problem to some extent but the revised concept of cautious prudence requires only cautious judgement from the management and does not endorse negative judgement. Thus, application of prudence ensures reduced deviation in corporate reporting and hence is beneficial to the reporting framework as it assists more accurate decision making by investors and creditors. But the actual benefits of the application of this would only come out when implemented in a manner which ensures a fine balance between neutrality and prudence without violation of either (Melville, 2013). Disclosures Comparison A comparison of the disclosures of BHP Billiton and Santos is as highlighted below (BHP Billiton, 2016; Santos Limited, 2016). In relation to the segmental reporting, detailed information has been offered by both the companies for the various mining assets that these own in the various geographies along with the respective financial results of the same which is highly relevant for the investors. Through the remuneration report, adequate disclosures have been made with regards to the underlying compensation derived by members of the senior management and the respective principles responsible for the awarded remuneration. A significant component of disclosures is the directors report which provides valuable information to the users regarding not only operational and financial performance during the year under review but presents significant takeaways for the future which can be deployed for prudent investment decision making. Based on the financial reports presented, is seems that BHP Billiton tends to more transparent in highlighting more detailed information particularly through notes on management judgment and contingency liabilities. Even though, the management judgement notes to some extent are present for Santos also, but apparently, they are not as frequent and exhaustive as that of BHP Billiton. Conclusion: Based on the above, it is apparent that the current regime in place for reporting of information to relevant users through the application of AASB standards and conceptual framework seem adequate and is also adhered to by the companies chosen for the task. Further, going ahead it is likely that with the addition of prudence, the information reporting may improve further especially for mining companies as there is significant management discretion involved in reporting of various assets and their reserves which has a material effect on the companys valuation. Further, with regards to the underlying disclosures being made by the respective companies, there are not any major differences, but still the overall reporting and detailing for BHP Billiton is comparatively more detailed which to an extent may be linked to the underlying difference in size of operations of the two companies. References AASB (2010a), Property, Plant and Equipment, Australian Accounting Standards Board, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) AASB (2010b), Impairment of Assets, Australian Accounting Standards Board, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) AASB (2010c), Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, Australian Accounting Standards Board, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) AASB (2015), Inventories, Australian Accounting Standards Board, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) ACCA (2014), Prudence IFRS, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) BHP Billiton (2016), Annual Report FY 2016, BHP Billiton Website, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) Deegan, C.M. (2014), Financial Accounting Theory, 4th ed., Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Australia ICAEW (2006), MEASUREMENT IN FINANCIAL REPORTING, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016) Melville, A. (2013), International Financial Reporting A Practical Guide, 3rd ed., London: Pearson Education Limited Santos Limited 2016, Annual Report 2015, Santos Website, [Online] Available at (Accessed December 14, 2016)
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Seventeenth Century Lyric Poems, Such As Robert Herricks Cavalier
The seventeenth century lyric poems, such as Robert Herrick's Cavalier poem "Counsel to Girls," and Andrew Marvell's metaphysical poem "To His Coy Mistress" are similar in many ways; yet also contrast in some aspects. These poems of love and life can be summarized in the quote, "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still afyling..." from "Counsel to Girls." This quote embodies the theme of Carpe Diem shared in these poems. Robert Herrick's "Counsel to Girls" is a Cavalier poem written in the seventeenth century. In the poem, the speaker is an elderly person with life experience. The speaker is talking to a younger woman about life and love. The speaker tells the younger person to enjoy life while she can, because it will go away. In this lyric poem, several instances of personification are used, such as the "Lamp of Heaven." The lamp, or sun, is personified as life. The poet uses the sun's positions to represent phases of life. Sun rise is youth and sun set is death, which is coming quickly. The overall theme of this poem is Carpe Diem. Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" is a passionate metaphysical poem. Marvell, the speaker is attempting to get a young woman to stop being coy. He tries to get her to love him and personifies their love growing like vegetables. Marvell also personifies time when he says that time slowly eats away love. He wants her to seize the day and love him in return. Both poems are similar and unlike in many aspects. Both have similar Carpe Diem themes. Both poems also deal with a form of unrequited love. Also, the two poems share the same genre as lyric poems. The lyric poems also stress the value of youth. The quote, "Time's winged chariot hurrying near..." from "To His Coy Mistress" means that time cannot last forever, that the subject should enjoy her youth and seize the day. From "Counsel to Girls," the quote, "Tomorrow will be dying," is the same overall idea that Marvell uses in "To His Coy Mistress." Although similar in some ways, the poems also contrast in several ways. The tone in "To His Coy Mistress" is much more urgent than the light-hearted tone of "Counsel to Girls." Both of these poems use different speakers also. Marvell uses himself in his metaphysical poem, but in most Cavalier poems the speakers are often a person with experience in life and the obstacles of love. Although very similar in many ways, there is still a fine line between Cavalier and metaphysical poetry.
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