Monday, January 27, 2020
Personal Portrait
Personal Portrait Piagets theory of Cognitive Most Infants develop motor abilities in the same order and sometimes at the the same age. In this sense, most agree that these abilities are genetically preprogramed with all infants. The environment does paly a role in the development, with an enriched environment often reducing the learning time and impoverishmnet one doing the opposite. The most cited theory in Cognitive development in children is (Piaget 1896-1980) Piagets theory of Cognitive development maintains that children go through specific stages as their intellect and ability to see relationships matures. Kohlbergs theory developed through Piagets theory. In my personal Portrait I will touch on Eriksons theory and Kohlbergs theory.As a very young child, there were rules in my home and they were made not to be broken, if they were broken, there were consequences even as a young child. This meant going to the notty corner. I knew at a very young age the differences between right and wrong. My parents made sure that all of my siblings and myself understood fully that an obdient child is always right in Gods eyes. Spirituality was used constantly in my home as a way of helping with the development of morals at a very young age. For an example, I recall shopping in the grocery store with my mother, I asked if I could have a candy bar. My mother said no because I had not had my lunch yet. I thought about taking the candy anyway, as my mother and I left the store I imagined what might have happen if I had taken the candy antway. Considering what the consequences were going to be, I choosed not to take the candy. I have never thought about taking anything from anyone since. I consider this to be stage I of Kohlbergs theory of Preconventional Morality.This is when a child knows that stealing is bad and when they were asked to explain what they meant, they expained it with the consequences involved.(Kohlberg, 1958b). consequences There are consequences with everything a person does, this is why my mother has stressed to my siblings and myself that we should always be mindful of what we say and do. My mother was a honest and loving mother which brings me to Eriksons theory of Trust vs Mistrust. Because of the affection my mother showed her children and the people as well as the sacrifices she made to keep her family together, I have raised and made sure my own children had that same loved bestowed upon them. I also see that my children are duplicating the same with their own children.My mother was the neighborhoods second mother, she spreaded her love around to allof our friends and even to the misfits on our block.My mother stills reminds me of when I was 6,she would say that I have always been the more independant one of all of her children, she still states it today in my adulthood. My mother reminds me of my temperment, she states that I have always wanted to dress myself even if I put my clothes on backw ards. My mother says that I did everything backwards even today I am still that way in terms of the way I lived my life as an adult. I agree with my mother to a certain point, not everything I have done was backwards. My mother said that I should have finished school first and then start a family, I did the opposite.Things had to be done my way according to my mother, I do recall attending catholic school as a preschooler, I remember getting ready to leave for Christmas break and the children were given a choice of two dolls, one a Ronald McDonald doll or the famous Barbie doll. All of the girls of course choosed the Barbie. I wanted the Ronald McDonald doll really bad because no one had picked the doll, I ended up picking the Barbie because I did not want to be the odd ball of the group. This relates to Eriksons Autonomy Vs Shame Eriksons theory For Eriksons theory Initiative Vs Guilt, I was a very curious child and adult. My parents claims that I was always touching and taking things apart to see how they worked. My mother, she would always have to replace many of my toys especially my dolls because I would pull them apart trying to figure out how they put the body parts together. In the fifth stage of my life, it was a bitter sweet time for me. The bitter part was that I was always picked on by one of my female classmates, I was teased for being a teachers pet and for always participating in class. The sweet was that I had the best eighth grade teacher in the world. Mrs Simms was a loving teacher and she always had an open door policy when it came to the children in her class. I was the luckiest one becuse she and I lived on the same street. Mrs Simms taught me to ignore my bully and to continue to participate regardless of what others may think. I graduated at the top of my class however, my bully had to repeat the eight h grade again.In Eriksons Identity Vs Role Confusion, this theory was easy for me, I knew that I wanted to have a family very early in life. I wanted to be just like my mother. I wanted to be a great parent like my own. Its now that my children are all out of the house could this be where the confusion comes into play? Could this be one of the reasons why I choosed to open up a childcare facilty so that I would not miss my own? Could this be why I feel that I do things backwards sometimes like having my childs before finsihing school? These are the questions that pull at me form time to time. Generativity Vs Stagnation In terms of Generativity Vs Stagnation, I believe I completed this stage during the Intimacy Vs Isolation stage; however, I contribute to my community in a big way. I attend church regularly, and I am part of my neighborhood watch program. I trully beleive that if I disregarded my roles in my own community, I would be jsut like the ones that dont care about nothing or anyone but themselves. I never want be leave of legacy of being nobody. I want to be remembered as a kind and caring women who loved her community and the people in it. I want to be remembered for making a difference in someones life somewhere.In Eriksons stage of Ego Integrity Vs Despair, I have not yet to cross that path. I look forward to being able to be called the wised one. I am not looking forward to what this part of life brings in terms of old age and the baggae that comes along with it. I Understand that its a part of life and I accept it however, I am not in a hurry to get there. I will cross this bridge when I get there.After comprehending Kohlbergs stages that related to my life in level one the Preconventional Morality stage, I discussed this at the beginning of my paper as well as stage II Individualism and Exchange. In stage III Conventional Morality , it is the interpersonal accord and conformity as with stage four where as Social order and authority is maintained. (crain)As I compared Eriksons and Kohlbergs theory pertaining to myself as an adult and as a Grandmother and Mother, I have utilized most of their theories as well as applied them to my life the best way I knew how. I would like to believe that I am living by the code.I can better relate with using Eriksons theory the most, his theory is the one i use to be the women I am today. In terms of cultural diffrences and they way people are raised and their standards of living, I think that we are all taught and learn about different things throughout our lives. It is up to the individual to live their life to their fullest.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Danger In The Air At North Intermmediate School In Wilmington? :: essays research papers
Danger in the Air At North Intermmediate School in Wilmington?      Is there danger in the air at the North Intermediate School in Wilmington? Apparently carbon dioxide levels have been found to be above acceptable levels in some class rooms. According to a report dated Dec. 9, 1996, by ATC Associations, an independent consulting firm hired by the Town of Wilmington to conduct Indoor Air Quality and Microbiological testing at the school. â€Å"All indoor air quality parameters were within normal guideline ranges with the exception of consistently elevated levels of carbon dioxide and low relative humidity levels throughout the school,†said the report.      High levels of carbon dioxide indoors can be a sign of poor ventilation in a building. Carbon dioxide is an odorless gas which can cause discomfort at lower levels and act as a mild narcotic at higher concentrations. According to the Dec. 9 report, â€Å"If carbon dioxide levels exceed 800-1000 parts per million(ppm), the ventilation system is not effectively working.†     At the Wilmington School Committee meeting on Feb. 12, school Superintendent Dr. Geraldine A. O'Donnell stated that there was a complaint of a musty odor in one of the class rooms after heavy rains on Nov. 6. There were also complaints of nausea and headaches from numerous students. The room was inspected by Roger Lessard, Public Building Superintendent. Mr. Lessard found the odor was being caused by Science chemicals stored there and mildew on a window ledge in the room.      School principal Doug Anderson checked with the school nurse for the attendance rate between Oct. 22 and the first week in November and found nothing out of the ordinary. However, being concerned about the safety of the students and staff, Mr. Anderson requested Lessard hire an outside consultant to evaluate the school's air quality.      The Town of Wilmington then contracted with ATC Associations of Woburn, Environmental, Geoteccnical, and Materials Professionals. ATC conducted a test at the school Nov. 21 and sampled 19 locations. 11 of the 19 locations tested had a carbon dioxide level of over 800 ppm. The average carbon dioxide level was 900ppm showing the results of inadequate ventilation.      ATC explained numerous ways to improve the school's ventilation system. These included: trimming the shrubs close to vents; opening windows to allow air
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Breast cancer and possible solution of Mammograms
Breast malignant neoplastic disease occurs when chest cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. It is the most common malignant neoplastic disease in the UK. This is indicated in the pie chart below where chest malignant neoplastic disease histories for the highest per centum happening among adult females, that is approximately 26 % . An estimated 46 000 adult females are diagnosed every twelvemonth. [ 1 ] The two chief hazard factors for chest malignant neoplastic disease are gender – being a adult female and age – turning older. [ 2 ] In fact 8 out of 10 of the diagnosed patients are adult females above 50 old ages old. [ 1 ] 90 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease is caused by environmental factors while the staying 10 % is due to familial defect. [ 2 ] Breast malignant neoplastic disease can be treated if it is detected at an early phase, doing the patients ‘ opportunities of endurance greater. Among the symptoms of chest malignant neoplastic disease are th e presence of a ball or thickener in the chest tissue. Figure 1: Cancer occurance among adult females.A Possible Solution – MammogramIn my sentiment all adult females particularly those above the age of 50 and those with a strong household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease should travel for regular mammographic showing. A mammogram is really of import for chest malignant neoplastic disease showing and early sensing. It is an X-ray exposure of the chests where consequences are studied to observe any abnormalcies or locations of leery tissue. Harmonizing to the National Health Service ( NHS ) UK, 1 400 lives are saved because of testing. [ 4 ] There are a few differences between testing mammograms and other mammograms. Screening mammography is carried out when there is no ball or seeable marks of malignant neoplastic disease. However, if a specific ball demands to be looked at, so a diagnostic mammography is done. Here my research is based on testing mammography. [ 25 ] There is a important difference in sentiment sing how frequently adult females should travel for mammograms. The American Cancer Society ( ACS ) suggests that all adult females over 40 should travel for mammograms one time every twelvemonth while the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) of the US advises adult females to travel every 1-2 old ages. [ 5 ] I agree with NCI as their suggestion would intend that adult females are non exposed to radiation excessively frequently. Increased exposure to radiation increases the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. Figure 2: Woman undergoing mammogram. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( 396 words ) A mammogram is conducted on an outpatient footing and stopping points for about 30 proceedingss. [ 6 ] During the process, a qualified radiotherapist intially places merely one chest on a little level home base that has an X-ray home base under it. Above the chest there is another level home base. The machine presses the chest down between the home bases keeping the chest in place and bettering the acuteness of the image. When the chest is compressed, there is a small uncomfortableness. [ 7 ] Small explosions of radiation, something like wireless moving ridges is produced by the tubings in the machine and is passed through the chests. The image formed is recorded on photographic movie or a particular digital image entering home base. The chest is less heavy in comparing to the tumour. Therefore the chest appears in grey sunglassess on the mammography while the tumour is white and the air is black as it is the least dense. Figure 3: Breast malignant neoplastic disease tumour shown( hypertext transfer protocol: // )( 556 words ) A radiotherapist will analyze the images and look out for any marks of malignant neoplastic disease. A signed study is sent to the physician who will explicate the consequences to the adult female. When a adult female goes for this process, she is told non to have on any deodourant, pulverization or lotion in her axillas or her chest as these would look as calcium musca volitanss on the mammogram. [ 6 ] Sometimes alternatively of tumours physicians may happen cysts, calcifications and fibroadenomas on the mammograms. Calcifications are non breast malignant neoplastic disease but can be an indicant of precancer. They are little measures of Ca that appear in the soft tissue of the chest. Fibroadenomas are benign tumours made of hempen and glandular chest tissue that are removed as a precautional measure. Cysts are benign unstable – filled pouch that are non related to malignant neoplastic disease. [ 8 ] ( 693 words )EffectivenessFigure 4: Breast malignant neoplastic disease rates by phase Figure 5: Breast malignant neoplastic disease mortality rates( hypertext transfer protocol: // )From the first graph, it is observed that the rate of early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease had significantly improved because of the addition in the figure of adult females who underwent mammography. Consequently, the rate of late diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease decreased. The 2nd graph shows that when chest malignant neoplastic disease is detected early, there is a diminution in the mortality rate. [ 9 ] I strongly believe that naming chest malignant neoplastic disease early through mammography helps better adult females ‘s opportunities of endurance. ( 836 words ) A newspaper article by Reuters in Washington, US dated October 6th 2009 stated that a survey conducted by US research workers found that 75 % of adult females who died of chest malignant neoplastic disease ne'er had a mammogram, or were diagnosed after their first of all time mammogram. [ 22 ] Dr Blake Cady of Cambridge Hospital Breast Cancer and Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts said: â€Å" Womans who are in testing programmes have merely a 4.7 % mortality. Womans who are non screened have a 56 % mortality. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )To further turn out mammogram effectivity, below is a drumhead from a existent life chest malignant neoplastic disease subsister. [ 10 ] Pam ‘s narrative ‘Diagnosed at 46 with chest malignant neoplastic disease, after holding skipped her mammogram for a twosome of old ages, Pam ‘s intervention involved mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy. She wants adult females to acquire an one-year mammogram, get downing at age 40, to catch malignant neoplastic disease early and avoid extended intervention like hers. ‘( hypertext transfer protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives )( 969 words )DeductionsWhile carry oning this research, I encountered one societal issue that is, non all adult females realize the importance of acquiring a mammogram. This degree of consciousness varied due to different degrees of instruction among the adult females. The graph below supports my statement. Percentage of US adult females aged 40 and older who Have Had a Mammogram in the last 2 old ages by Education Level Figure 6( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Based on the graph adult females with more than a college instruction are most likely to hold had a mammogram in the last 2 old ages compared to adult females with lower degrees of instruction. [ 11 ] I think these adult females are cognizant of this of import showing tool. I besides feel at that place should be more public wellness instruction because a deficiency of information can take to misinformation. For illustration, Indian adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease have to utilize separate utensils because of the mistaken believe that the disease is contagious. [ 24 ] ( 1133 words ) I would besides wish to turn to an economical issue refering the usage of mammograms. The American Cancer Society suggests that adult females above 40 should acquire a mammogram every twelvemonth but many adult females are forced to jump their mammograms because they merely can non afford it. Research workers at Brown University in 2002, discovered mammograms bing US $ 400 is a challenge for many adult females. [ 20 ] Despite this, conditions in the US are still non every bit bad as in some underdeveloped states as seen in quotation mark below. â€Å" The United States spends about US $ 8.1 billion to name and handle chest malignant neoplastic disease, but in the metropolis of Poona, India, place to 3.5 million adult females, merely one medical installation provides comprehensive chest malignant neoplastic disease diagnostic and intervention services. †( Masilamany J. , February 5th 2009, page 12 )Besides, adult females populating in destitute states like Kenya feel incapacitated and merely wait to decease because they can non afford to travel abroad for intervention. It is expected that by 2020, 70 % of all chest malignant neoplastic disease instances will be in hapless states. [ 24 ] This is why I think authoritiess should seek to happen a manner to guarantee all adult females get their mammograms done. ( 1325 words )Benefits and Risks of MammographyA picture by ‘NHS picks ‘ entitled â€Å" Having A Mammogram †highlights the advantages of holding a mammography as it can observe abnormalcies which are 3-4 millimetres in size. These abnormalcies are impossible to experience if a individual were to analyze her ain chests. [ 21 ] Sometimes a mammogram is more accurate than other diagnostic processs. A specific form of Ca sedimentations known to do chest malignant neoplastic disease can merely be seen clearly on a mammogram. [ 25 ] Having a mammography would non go forth any radiation in a patient ‘s organic structure. X raies usually have no side effects in the diagnostic scope. A tumour detected early is more likely to be cured. [ 6 ] Mammograms have certain defects nevertheless. Sometimes false-negatives can happen. This is when chest malignant neoplastic disease is present even though the mammograms appear normal. It happens largely in immature adult females because they have denser chests compared to older adult females whose chests are more fatty devising tumours easy seeable on mammograms. At the same clip, false-positives besides occur because radiotherapists erroneously decide the mammograms are unnatural when really there is no malignant neoplastic disease nowadays. This causes unneeded anxiousness and emphasis for the adult female. To avoid false-positives, an ultrasound and a biopsy is conducted. The doses of X ray in mammograms is really little but when it is done repeatedly it is harmful and can increase the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. [ 13 ] ( 1546 words )Alternate SolutionsNew ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘An article titled New ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘ was written by Duke Medicine News and Communications. This trial is presently undergoing three clinical tests countrywide in the US. It works by utilizing a really narrow acerate leaf to take cells from subdivisions of the whole chest. [ 15 ] The quotation mark below farther explains the trial. Dr Victoria Seewaldt, a scientist and chest oncologist at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center said: â€Å" Merely as we do with a cervical pablum vilification, we can now study cells from the whole chest, analyze them under the microscope and trial for early alterations that frequently precede breast malignant neoplastic disease. Then we can give adult females a preventative agent to see if we can eliminate her unnatural cells and therefore prevent malignant neoplastic disease from developing. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )A specific cistron known as RAR beta controls how breast cells use vitamin A to guarantee their good wellness. Research done has shown that the cistrons in chest malignant neoplastic disease patients lose its ability to map. This ‘pap vilification ‘ trial can observe the presence or absence of this cistron. Without it, the possibility of developing malignant neoplastic disease is higher. Hence RAR beta Acts of the Apostless as a molecular marker to find the oncoming of malignant neoplastic diseas e. [ 15 ] I strongly believe that the new chest ‘pap vilification ‘ is an first-class discovery in the battle against chest malignant neoplastic disease. Once the clinical tests are deemed successful, this should be carried out on all adult females. ( 1785 words )Ultrasound ImagingUltrasound Imaging, besides known as Ultrasound Scanning provides images of the internal constructions of the chests. During an ultrasound, a doctor may utilize Doppler Techniques to measure the blood flow or deficiency of blood flow in a chest mass. At times it is possible to find the cause of the mass. Doppler ultrasound is a technique used to measure blood flow through a blood vas. Breast ultrasound maps to assist name breast abnormalcies detected during a physical scrutiny and to qualify possible abnormalcies seen on a mammogram. A chest lesion detected and classified sometimes can non be interpreted adequately through mammography entirely. An ultrasound can besides distinguish if an abnormalcy is solid or fluid-filled ( benign cyst ) or both solid and cystic. A solid may be a benign or malignant tumour. Ultrasounds show extra characteristics of the unusual countries on the chest. [ 14 ] Figure 4: A patient undergoing a chest ultrasound.( hypertext transfer protocol: // image=LbreastMR-vnr-009.jpg & A ; pg=breastus & A ; pid=1, )( 1936 words )Beginning EvaluationIn my sentiment, the ‘National Health Service Choices UK ‘ web site ( ) is really comprehensive and factual. This beginning aims to give nonsubjective information and counsel to the populace on chest malignant neoplastic disease. It is approved by a clinical expert and is funded by the Department of Health. It has been certified as a dependable wellness and societal attention information beginning by The Information Standard and has to run into certain editorial policies. So I think this is a reputable beginning. I retrieved information on the importance of holding a mammogram for early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease as stated on page 9. The undermentioned two web sites ; hypertext transf er protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives and hypertext transfer protocol: // pg=mammo # part_one besides provided the same information. An article from the Time magazine entitled The Changing Face Of Breast Cancer, volume 170 published in October 2007 is another dependable beginning. I believe this article was good researched because it has included positions from adult females across the universe. This article gives facts and figures supported by other beginnings. For illustration, the quotation mark on page 8 by Masilamany J, from the Sun newspaper can be found in this article. Besides, the information that chest malignant neoplastic disease is the most common disease among adult females is besides found in: hypertext transfer protocol: // Most_common_cancers_-_female, _by_occurence.png ) . ( 2143 words )
Friday, January 3, 2020
Literature Review Parental Involvement - 984 Words
Literature Review Parental Involvement. During the middle school years there are developmental changes happening in an adolescent’s life. This growth include both biological and cognitive, as well as social development (Nancy Hill, 2009). Compared to elementary school the developmental growth in middle school has higher levels of significant change as a result to the bureaucratic system (Hill Chao, 2009). Studies have shown that during this essential time period in a youth’s education experience, you will see a decline in their academic performance during the middle school time period (Eccless, 2004). It is during the middle school education experience, I’ve decided to conduct my study. The decline of academic performance has long-term†¦show more content†¦As I conduct my interviews I define the differences between both home and school base involvement. African-American Parents Throughout the educational process parents hold a critical role in their child’s school performance. Before I have mentioned there is a positive affected in student’s behaviors when parents are involved. A study done by Nweze in 1993 revealed that students appropriate school behavior increased when parents were involved in the disciple process, were made aware of their roles in the educational process, and encouraged to participate in their child’s education (Autumn, 2001). Research has also shown an inverse correlation between parental involvement and suspension levels (Autumn, 2001). As the parental involvement increased the number of suspensions decreased. This study plays a huge role in the African American community because African American students are more likely to be suspended or expelled than any other ethnic group (Russo Talbert-Johnson, 1997). There are evidence that indicates that high-achieving, as opposed to low-achieving, poor African American a dolescents have parents who are more involved in their education both home and school (Tienda and Kao, 1994) African Parents Socioeconomic Status The structure of a family affects the socioeconomic status. A nuclear family consists of a father, mother, and children. However, that image of what aShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review On Parental Involvement1042 Words  | 5 Pages Parent Involvement: A Key to Educational Success Literature Review Empire State College Christina Mallett Introduction It has been stated that students whose parents, guardians, and other significant adults who are actively involved in their learning are more likely to be successful in school. Student success here can be defined as intellectual potential, as well as social and cognitive growth. 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