Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Advantage of Wealth
Since time immemorial, it has been a common notion that wealth defines a person’s status in the society. It is usually associated with the amount of material things that a person owns that wealth is determined. This essay would try to evaluate the advantage of wealth in the light of the novels ’ Hedda Gabler’ by Henrik Ibsen and ‘The Great Gatsby’ by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald.A discussion of the basic concept of wealth in each novel will first be identified. A deliberation on the advantage of wealth in each novel will be highlighted. Lastly, the essay will compare the ideas in the two novels to establish the significance of wealth.The Great Gatsby, narrated through the eyes of Nick Carraway, denotes his enthusiasm to the life of his neighbor Jay Gatsby. The novel is a love story on the surface with the concept of betrayal and true love emanating from each chapter. Nevertheless, the novel connotes on the absurdity of life, wealth and social status during the 19th century. As can be reiterated, the novel tries to undermine the fact that ‘money is tantamount to power and authority in the society’. Basically, the novel is about the pursuit of Daisy’s love by Jay Gatsby and the means that Gatsby had used to attain his goals. It is noted that Jay and Daisy had been in love prior to her marriage to Tom. Jay had to leave because of war but they promised each other that they will someday marry and live together.Nonetheless, when Jay came back, he discovered that Daisy had married a rich and wealthy man, Tom Buchanan. Gatsby’s dream is to be with Daisy forever and to win back Daisy’s love. Since Daisy is a woman of aristocratic heritage, it is a prerequisite for him to be rich and famous to be able to succeed her love. Thus, Jay Gatsby has been blinded by money. His dream has been based on the acquisition of money, fortune and fame due to the belief that material wealth can bring back everything. To further emphasize this viewpoint, it can be helpful to understand some quotes from the novel itself. In a statement when Gatsby imagined that Daisy will divorce Tom, he uttered ‘I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before (Fitzgerald, p. 111)’.This statement holds his faith to his wealth; it shows that despite everything, he believed that money can still fix everything. When Nick advises him that ‘you can’t repeat the past’, Gatsby replied ‘Why, of course, you can (Fitzgerald p. 111)’. The conversation further reveals Gatsby’s confidence in the power of wealth and determination towards what he wants.One of the most exquisite remarks that Jay Gatsby had uttered is that ‘Her voice is full of money (Fitzgerald p. 144)’, in reference to Daisy. Gatsby is aware of the fact that his love for Daisy is based on attraction towards wealth. In this regard, Gatsby believed that money can substitute love since Tom had substitute Jay’s place in Daisy’s heart. Like money, love is something that needs to be acquired which determines the purpose of being for Jay. Everything that Jay spends is a way towards fulfilling his dream.Daisy on the other hand displays the significance of wealth when she married Tom Buchanan despite the fact that she is not in love with him. The novel hinted the interest that Daisy still have for Jay after all the years when she inquired ‘What Gatsby?’ and when she drunk her self before her bridal dinner crying and holding a letter (possibly from Gatsby) in another hand saying ‘Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change her mind (Fitzgerald, p. 51)’.Wealth is seen as a way to relieve the pain of being left alone. By marrying a wealthy man, Daisy can more easily mend her broken heart. She had been able to ‘moved with a fast crowd (Fitzgerald, p.52)’ and able to maintain her reputation. Money is portrayed as a way out of loneliness. Wealth is displayed as a road towards happiness and fulfillment.Hedda Gabler is actually a play written by Ibsen showing how much societal pressure and norms confine a person into a specific stereotype. The story revolves around Hedda, who is newly married to George Tesman, an aspiring professor. Hedda is described as the daughter of an aristocratic General Gabler.It is apparent from the course of the dialogue between Hedda and the other characters that she does not love her husband. It also seems as if she only married him because he can at least provide her with her needs although it may not be enough. Hedda, all throughout the story manipulated other characters into doing her will. George, Aunt Julie and the other characters wants to please her and they do their best to reach her upper-class taste.Hedda has everything she need. Nonetheless, since she has to marry to maintain her social status, she chose to marry George Tesman. Tesman is a very bookish person. H e even researched from libraries despite being on honeymoon. He relay his amazement of the museums and libraries to Aunt Julie, stating ‘Notes, documents- people didn’t know existed (Ibsen, p.13)’. Tesman is willing to do everything for Hedda yet she cannot be satisfied.The advantage of wealth lies on the respect and the treatment that Hedda receives from other people despite her unusually rude and manipulative character. Despite the fact that Aunt Julie was hurt when Hedda mistaken her new hat to be old and to belong to the maid, she still treat Hedda nicely. Aunt Julie stated ‘she’s lovely all her life (Ibsen, p.19)’.Thea also remark about Hedda’s difference with her status in the line ‘we’ve not been close†¦ you were always, in a different world from me, socially (Ibsen, p. 26)’. This shows that even though both are women of the same era, Thea still recognizes the fact that Hedda is different ‘sociallyà ¢â‚¬â„¢. Being a daughter of a respected and powerful general gives her enough freedom and authority, bestowed by the society, to be regarded more powerful than the other women.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet †Essay Essay
INTRODUCTION Internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your finger tips. Internet has great potential and lot to offer†¦ however, like every single innovation in science and technology, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. ADVANTAGES 1) COMMUNICATION: You can communicate with other through Internet around the world. You can talk by watching to one another; just you are talking with your friends in your drawing room. For this purpose, different services are provided on the Internet such as; * Chatting * Video conferencing * E-mail * Internet telephony etc 2) SHARING INFORMATION: You can share information with other people around the world. The scientist or researchers can interact with each other to share knowledge and to get guidance etc. Sharing information through Internet is very easy, cheap and fast method. 3) COLLECTION OF INFORMATION: A lot of information of different types is stored on the web server on the Internet. It means that billions websites contain different information in the form of text and pictures. You can easily collect information on every topic of the world. For this purpose, special websites, called search engines are available on the Internet to search information of every topic of the world. The most popular search engines are,,, etc. The scientists, writers, engineers and many other people use these search engines to collect latest information for different purposes. Usually, the information on the Internet is free of cost. The information on the Internet is available 24 hours a day 4) SEARCHING PURPOSE: Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, America’s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information. 5) ENTERTAINMENT: Entertainment is another popular raison d’à ªtre why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find lifelong partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet. 6) NEWS: You can get latest news of the world on the Internet. Most of the newspapers of the world are also available on the Internet. They have their websites from where you can get the latest news about the events happening in the world. These websites are periodically updated or they are immediately updated with latest news when any event happens around the world. 7) SERVICES: Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more. 8) E-COMMERCE: Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment. 9) ONLINE EDUCATION: Internet provides the facility to get online education. Many websites of different universities provide lectures and tutorials on different subjects or topics. You can also download these lectures or tutorials into your own computer. You can listen these lectures repeatedly and get a lot of knowledge. It is very cheap and easy way to get education. 10) ONLINE RESULTS: Today, most of the universities and education boards provide results on the Internet. The students can watch their results from any part of country or world. 11) ONLINE AIRLINES AND RAILWAY SCHEDULES: Many Airline companies and Pakistan Railway provide their schedules of flights and trains respectively on the Internet. 12) ONLINE MEDICAL ADVICE: Many websites are also available on the Internet to get information about different diseases. You can consult a panel of online doctors to get advice about any medical problem. In addition, a lot of material is also available on the Internet for research in medical field. DISADVANTAGES 1) THEFT OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: If you use the internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse. 2) SPAMMING: Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the internet can become that much safer. 3) VIRUS THREAT: Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. 4) PORNOGRAPHY: This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet. Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages. 5) INTERNET CAN BY ADDICTIVE: Some people just can’t live without it. They have no real friends and when Internet is down they are getting furious. Internet has some opponents but more and more people treats Internet like telephone, or radio. They use it for fun and work, and I think at present living without internet would be quite difficult. 6) FILTRATION OF INFORMATION: When a keyword is given to a search engine to search information of a specific topic, a large number of related links a displayed. In this case, it becomes difficult to filter out the required information. 7) ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on the websites. Some information may be incorrect or not authentic. So, it becomes difficult to select the correct information. Sometimes you may be confused. 8) WASTAGE OF TIMES: A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the Internet. Some people waste a lot of time in chatting or to play games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet without any positive purpose. 9) ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROBLEMS: Most of the information on the Internet is available in English language. So, some people cannot avail the facility of Internet
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Racism within football/Soccer Essay
As A glory hunter I support Middlesbrough.Admittadly not the greatest club in the Premier League.I take any victories and cup excursions with open arms.One such occasion was when they rose to the dizzy heights of the Zenith Data final at Wembley.Having travelled from Germany all night I was more than happy to be drinking in the pubs near the ground.I eventually started to talk to a group of Chelsea fans,it quickly became clear that they were racist in their attitude to any player who was Black and would not cheer if any Black player for Chelsea scored†?I asked them what they would do if they were in a European Cup final and it was a Black player who scored the winning goal or even a hat trick†? â€Å"No†was the reply â€Å"we would just sit in our seats and do nothing â€Å"I couldn’t believe it.I finished my drink and left the pub.If I was honest I couldn’t believe their bigoted attitude. I found it especially hard as at the time as I had just finished an active service tour of Northern Ireland where I had served along side Black people who I had worked closely with.I often wonder what those hypocrites would make of the present Chelsea team, full of very talented Black players.No doubt Chelsea are a better because of these players who have raised the clubs game and profile within England and Europe. Therefore to study football and how racism it and it’s affect upon society was an opportunity too good to be missed. An obvious starting point would be to define racism ? It be divided into three categories overt,institututional and covert. Black players within the game are routinely subject to overt racism at games (Gruneau,.(1999).Although not as frequently, they and their families can still be subjected to covert racism.In recent times institutional racism has never been far from the public eye especially in light of the Stephen Lawrence enquiry about his murder and the subsequent investigation that followed which was dogged by institutional racism (MacPherson,1999).Football and the structure of the game would also appear to being affected by institutional racism.There are very few Black coaches and managers being employed. Indeed what are the sociological effects this is having and how are these theories affecting the game of football ? Whilst it could be debated that football is autonomous it still has had to acknowledge the presence of racism.UEFA,Fiffa, along with respective F.A’s in the British Isles have sought to address this problem with campaigns e.g. ‘Football Unites Racism Divides’ and ‘Show racism The Red Card’. However football may be unwittingly providing an arena for any resentment and alienation that exists within communities.This behaviour is then displayed at matches.Although it would be hard to justify any racial behaviour of a player *Bowyer & Woodgate* .But what are the UEFA, Fiffa and the respective F.A’s doing in order to combat this problem ?Whilst it is an aim of this paper to acknowledge schemes that have been put in place to eradicate racism If we evaluate the success if any of schemes that have been run by UEFA, Fiffa and the F.A’s. we can see in recent events as those that took place at Sunderland in April 2003 these schemes are having little or no affect The game of football has changed.Clubs are now run as PLC’s (Public Limited Companies) they are heavily reliant on the support of sponsors and television rights to games.It could be suggested that these companies need to look at their responsibility towards their morale obligation of ridding the game of racism. *Bowyer & Woodgate* Sarfraz Najeib.Najeib along with his brother Shahzad and three friends, then students at Leeds Metropolitan University had been attending the the Majestyk night-club club when on leaving the club an argument took place with the then Leeds United player Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer.Bowyer was cleared of attacking student while Woodgate received 100 hours’ community service for affray. Little has been done by these companies to promote or forward any anti-racist programmes. Television companies appear willing to manipulate the fixture list for T.V. scheduling but are not willing to accept that there is a problem with racist behaviour. Consequently it is the intention of this paper in its it final section to propose a financial strategy that could be used to tackle the problem of racism within football. The British public has always had an affinity with the game of football.It has evolved and changed from ‘no rules’ to pre-war modern image onto a post-modern multi Million pound industry.High transfer fees and high wages are the norm.All seater stadiums especially in the Premier League better facilities and better standards are now expected. Satellite broadcasting reaches out to a larger audience than ever before with Sky paying in excess of  £1.2 Billion pounds for the rights.Terrestial T.V has also been engaged in this battle,culminating in the BBC losing a Saturday night national institution’Match Of The Day’. I.T.V now presents a polished and stylish programme for the fans along with a Black pundit and a female presenter,unheard of in previous decades (Giulonotti,1999). Broadsheet newspapers now actively report about football at great length.This domain was primarily reserved to the tabloid press and low quality magazines. Stadiums have changed for a number of reasons e.g. the Taylor Report 1995 after Hillsborough.The disasters at Bradford and Hysel forced governing football agencies to evaluate the structure of stadiums and the fans that attended these stadiums.These changes have attracted different fans Evidence to support this can be seen in the growth of executive boxes at football grounds (Greenfield, & Osborn,2001).Working class fans now regularly mix with the middle class. No longer is the primary class of fans attending the game working class. Racism is an easy term to use term.However it can and does have far reaching affects in society. There appears to be many definitions of the term although all these definitions arguably mean the same thing. Racism can be defined as a specific form of discrimination usually based on skin colour or membership of a minority ethnic group. It’s a system of group dominance. This system is both structural and ideological. That is, it embodies political, economic, and socio-cultural structures of inequality. It involves processes and practices of exclusion, oppression and marginalisation, as well as stereotypes and symbols required by these structures and processes (Gilroy,1995).Within this process there are three sub forms of racism,overt,covert and and institutional.Overt racism can be seen as something violent, even thuggish.It can be displayed through violent behavior,threats to the person and even through demonstrations and political parties.However some political parties e.g. the British National Party (B.N.P) are no strangers to overt and covert racism.Covert racism seeing a rise in popularity i.e. people nowadays are reluctant to express openly their dislike of and contempt fo r minorities, indeed they are not prepared to express publicly a sentiment that could be interpreted as racist. Racism (Gilroy,1995). Institutional racism has been defined as ordinary people going about their normal day to day business but producing outcomes that are disadvantageous to Black and ethnic minority groups.This form of racism can have catastrophic effects with regard to accommodation/housing, health and education leading to poor results for students (Cashmore, & McLaughlin, 1991).Whilst this example is related to racism within the state aparetus,a clear definition can be given by examining the Police and the ‘McPherson Report’Mcpherson reported that the Police was Institutional racist.This was protrayed in their investigations of racially motivated crime.A procedure known as ‘stop and search’.Routinly carried out against Black people. In short the very essance in which the Police went about their duties was institutional racist to people from ethnic minoroties.In the report he comments â€Å"Unwitting racism can arise because of lack of understanding, ignorance or mistaken beliefs. It can arise from well intentioned but patronising words or actions. It can arise from unfamiliarity with the behaviour or cultural traditions of people or families from minority ethnic communities. It can arise from racist stereotyping of black people as potential criminals or troublemakers. Often this arises out of uncritical self-understanding born out of an inflexible police ethos of the â€Å"traditional†way of doing things. Furthermore such attitudes can thrive in a tightly knit community, so that there can be a collective failure to detect and to outlaw this breed of racism. The police canteen can too easily be its breeding ground†( http://www.archive.official). With these definitions of racism established we can now examine why are there so few Black players within the game as a whole.Foot ball employs only 20% of Black players (Black ,2001).Whilst there are no figures for players with an Asian or Oriental background it would be fair to argue that these players are even fewer and at best token gestures.With only 1% of black people watching the game (holmes,2003.Appendix).This problem is not just confined to Football in Great Britain. If we look at America and the game of basketball we can see that for a long time they suffered same problem.Jay Coakley argues the reason why Black people were under-represented within coaching and management, was because of strong prejudices emanating from owners of clubs.These prejudices were founded in the belief that unless the Black coach or player make a dramatic impact upon their arrival they were doomed to failure.Coakley also adds that there was a strong stereotypical myth perpetrated by white people about Blacks, that there are â€Å"inferior intellectually†(Coakley,2001:301).While these beliefs are unfounded Coakley does however go onto argue : â€Å"that these barriers no longer exist, although it would be difficult to conclude that race and skin colour have become irrelevant†â€Å"(Coakley,2001:301). Therefore an argument may exist that these problems which America experienced we too are now experiencing ? Therefore Football has to tackle these problems and eradicate them in order to open the game out to a larger audience. UEFA Chief Executive Gerhard Aigner recently commented that racism was â€Å"an evil and a poison†( a recent conference held by UEFA at Stamford Bridge Chelsea.Aigner also commented that â€Å"We have to be prepared to reflect our duty.We have to to tackle racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination and hatred.†( in the conference acknowledgement was given to f.a.r.e {Football Against Racism in Europe},there was also an acknowledgement that there is still much left to do in order to tackle some of the root causes.Within the British Isles there appears to be a multi-pronged attack on racism by the English,Scottish,Welsh and Irish F.A.s with the administration of Football Unites Racism Divides {f.u.r.d} and Show Racism The Red Card {s.r.t.r.c}. S.r.t.c aim is to â€Å"combat racism through anti-racist education and professional footballers are showing the way in terms of making a stand and fighting racism†( A member of f.a.r.e it targets school children as it’s audience and with the distribution of leaflets at football matches it seeks to capture a wider audience.It can count on the support of Sir Bobby Robson,Bryan Robson,Ian Wright,Gary Linekar amongst it’s supporters some of the most respected names in football.F.u.r.d seeks a more captive audience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Children. F.u.r.d â€Å"believes that football, as the world’s most popular game, can help bring people together – people from different backgrounds, to play, watch and enjoy the game, and to break down barriers created by ignorance or prejudice†. ( in July 2001 put in place a fourteen point plan to tackle the problem.Amongst it’s recommendation was that there has to be an acceptance of r esponsibility amongst all those connected with the game to try and eradicate the game of racism.This is interesting only for the reason this is in direct contravention to one of F.I.F.A.s rules about international school children playing football together. FIFA have a regulation which bans foreign kids from playing with English kids.Chapter IV, article 12 of the FIFA Regulations governing the status and transfer of players ( The Mixer Soccer Academy, a full time private football academy in Dorset which attracts junior soccer stars from all over the globe, have a situation where their foreign students, playing and training football alongside English students all week, all year, are not allowed to play football with them at the weekend because the local Dorset FA. will not allow them to sign the appropriate forms and thereby allow them to play with the English kids. Perhaps if F.I.F. A revised their 2001 ethos and brought it up to date with other initives being run in Europe there would not be this contradiction in terms ?Giulianotti argues that whilst these schemes are important they are fundamentally flawed in their belief that all racists who attend the game belong to some political right wing extremist group or a hooligan group.Not so many hooligan groups contain Black people.Giulianotti argues powerfully that â€Å"this smug belief therefore removes the real from this type of behaviour†. (Giulianotti,1999 :163).When it is clearly not the case as he cites the first game played by John Barnes the first Black player for Liverpool who was taunted with racist crowd chant’s throughout the game. So how can we move forward.What I am about to present to you is not the holy grail of anti racist behaviour.Whilst there was an acknowledgement in the paragraph above about F.I.F.A.s short comings there was a chink of light in their fourteen point plan that may provide the foundation to the problem.F.I.F.A stated that it â€Å"requires the media to strongly condemn all acts of racist behaviour or declarations by any persons or groups, and to refrain from reporting such behaviour or declarations in a manner that may serve to provoke confrontation, and calls upon football websites (including those of clubs and national associations) to incorporate prominent anti-racism messages on their home-pages†( Let us take this a step further.Sky Sports pays the Premier League  £1.2 Billion pounds for the right to screen football.This money sees little light outside the Premier League if any at all. £2 Billion can be placed into an independent scehme,designed to target racism.This will provide a pro active starting point to tackling some of the root causes of racism within football. Within this target : All clubs MUST participate in this scheme. Packages that tackle the key issues of racism. Better training for stewards. Actively seek to promote an anti-racist culture within the club and stands. Accountability. Actively seek to employ players at playing and coaching levels from an ethnic background. The scheme has to be independent of the clubs.Primarily ran by elected members.These members must have no connection with a club or T.V.companies in any capacity. They would be given the power to award grants in order to aid clubs combat racism.Bonus payments could be made for meeting their set targets.But also the power has to be given to the panel in order to fine clubs that have failed to meet any basic level set.Nothing radical or complicated in this proposed package.These key points have to be implemented at all levels and everywhere in the club.You could be forgiven for thinking that all clubs actively employ this code of practice. Wrong.Richie Moran comments about racism within football.He comments that he was insulted and abused about everything from the colour of his skin to his hair style.This abuse was not only from the fans but it was equally directed from his fellow team mates.Consequently he left the game because of this abuse (Garlan,Malclom & Rowe,2000). You could also be forgiven for thinking this is an isolated case it would never happen now,Clubs are more aware and are actively seeking to promote an Anti-Racist ethos ? Wrong.During the compiling of this paper letters were sent to the following clubs{ appendix} Bradford, Oldham, Middlesborough, Sheffield United all disturbingly failed to reply to letters sent to them.Burnley were also contacted, they replied to the letter but were to busy to enclose any literature !{ appendix}Sunderland however were different. They were more than happy to distribute information about why and how they actively tackle racism at the Stadium Of Light.Sunderland do seem to have a pro-active attitude towards stamping out racism within football therefore it seems ironic.In the recent European qualifying match at the stadium Of Light there game was marred by violenceAmong those held were 25 individuals known to be associated with hooligan elements of Sunderland and Newcastle football clubs Police said no Turkish fans were arrested as a result of the match, which England won 2-0. The match had been given a high police priority, with around 1,000 officers on duty to prevent trouble between England fans and 5,000 Turkish supporters. At the height of the violence bottles, car wheel trims and bar stools were thrown at police. Superintendent Jim Campbell, of Northumbria Police, said â€Å"the policing of the event had been successful†! ( Football has changed.From it’s origins of ‘no rules’ to a modern post war image and then now into its present post-modern image.High transfer fees, high ticket prices and high wages have changed the game.Although argumentative there is a belief that the game has drifted away from it’s working class origins into a more middle class audience.Stadiums are more modern, they had to change.’Italia 90†² saw little or no hooliganism. Together with a good run for the English team helped promote a positive image of the game in the U.K. Satellite television has helped changed the environment by which football is viewed.However whilst the officials stand and pat themselves on the back they are becoming guilty of complacancy.We have still not rid the game of racism.Evidence from the England game against Turkey has shown it.As A consequence critics would argue that the English F.A got off lightly with a fine and not having to play the next home qualifying gam e against Slovakia behind closed doors at Middlesborough. Footballers their families and friends regularly suffer from the three forms of racism as set out in this paper covert,institutional and overt racism happen on a regular basis.Poor job prospects for managers and coaches and taunts from players and fans are common place.Fiffa,Uefa and the respective F.A.s are right to acknowledge this problem.However it would appear actions are short in their forth coming and it is nothing more than lip service.Fiffa almost got it right in their 2001 proposals when they said the media and other agencies have a duty to respond to racism.In order to survive clubs are dependant upon the large amount of income that television rights generate. Television companies have influence within the corridors of football.Why therefore can they not influence clubs to make a more aggressive stand towards racism ?By not taking an aggressive stand towards racism within the game, the television companies are condoning racism. It may be because they fear it is an issue too large to tackle on their own. Therefore they have to realise they are not alone in this stand.Simply by sticking their heads in the sand and not acknowledging they have power and the responsibility to take the appropiate action, they are allowing the biggots to go unchallanged and prosper un-hinderd.Admittadly it is hard for any fan to confront a person(s) using racist language,but there are phone and text lines which they can use at the match to inform stewards and the police.Why not write a letter to the club alerting them to this issue. Ultimately however the responsibility lies with the fan and society for this behaviour and it’s eradication from the game. Certain sections of our society are happy to abuse someone because they are Black and playing for the opposition. Surely as a modern society this cannot be right ? BIBLIOGRAPHY. Coakley,J.(2001).Sport In Society.McGraw-Hill International Cashmore,E & McLaughlin,E.(1991) Out Of Order Policing Black People.Routledge. Garland,J,Malcolm,D & Rowe,M. (2000).The Future of Football.Frank Cass Gilroy,P.(1995) There Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack Routledge Giulianotti,R.(1999) Football : A Sociology Of The Global Game Polity Press. Greenfield,S & Osborn,G.(2001) Regulating Football.Pluto Press. Gruneau,R.(1999) Class,Sports And Social Development.Human Kinetics. Kirk, B.M.(1996) A Simple Matter Of Black and White ? Avebury. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry.(March 1999). H.M.S.O. INTERNET. NEWSPAPERS. Black,L (Dec18th,2001).One of The Lads.The Guardian.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Term Paper Example It is further concerned with other activities such as the disposition of offenders and treatment of juveniles found to have committed a criminal act. The criminal justice system also includes public institutions and key players such as the police, prosecutors, courts, corrections, crime victims and so on (â€Å"Criminal Justice System†). Purpose According to Frase and Weidner, the criminal justice system has the primary purpose of enforcing laws in line with the defined rules and limitations. The authors furthered that the â€Å"system†refers to â€Å"something highly rational – carefully planned, coordinated, and regulated†(Frase & Weidner). On the other hand, Drakeford and Friedman reiterated that controlling crime and assuring due process are the two main purposes of the criminal justice system (5). Key Players’ Functions The criminal justice system is composed of four institutions, namely, police, prosecution, courts, and corrections, and thes e interact with each other towards a balanced action for justice. In simpler terms, the police are responsible for enforcing the law; the courts are responsible for hearing the legality of the crime, and; corrections house the convicted offenders. The following section lists the specific responsibilities of these key players. Police. According to Stevens, the police have intended and unintended functions that include the following: morals enforcement, class control, riot control, order maintenance, safety, service, and crime fighting. Other specific functions include the following: To subdue conduct that is considered threatening. To protect or help a person who is harmed. To uphold security in the community. To help people who are unable to help themselves such as the handicap, the mentally ill, the old and the young, and others. To help in resolving conflict between groups and individuals. To oversee the movement of vehicles and people. To recognize problems that can become seriou s problems (Stevens). Prosecutor. The main function of the prosecutor in a trial is to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty of the crime. Other functions include, but not limited to, the following: To ensure that the guilty person is convicted. To charge suspect with a crime. To represent the government during a trial. To assist in selecting jurors. To call on witnesses to prove the defendant’s guilt. To cross-examine the witnesses presented by the defense (Read). Court. The court consists of the prosecutors, judges and other stakeholders, each of which has roles to fulfill. The prosecuting office must present evidence to the court regarding the guilt of the offender. The prosecutor is usually involved during the initial investigation, pretrial hearings and during the trial. During the preliminary hearing, several factors such as the severity of the offense, will determine the next step. The lack of probable cause can lead to the dismissal of the case. Otherwise the case may be brought to the grand jury. If there is sufficient evidence, the grand jury then decides to try the offender (Drakeford & Friedman, 8-9). Corrections. Drakeford and Friedman stated that corrections have several purposes, one of which is to punish the offenders. This is based on the belief that punishment deters offenders from criminal behavior. Another purpose of the corrections is to protect the society from these offenders. The third purpose is to rehabilitate the offenders (10). Interaction of Key Players The key players in the criminal justice system,
Toys R Us Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Toys R Us Company - Research Paper Example The Toys â€Å"R†Us firm went public during 1978 and started to branch out its products (Brohan, par 3). In the 1980’s Toys â€Å"R†Us stretched out into global markets as well as expanded its brand line to encompass children’s clothing. In the 1990’s, Toys â€Å"R†Us further grew into the baby product marketplace with Babies â€Å"R†Us (Lombardi, par 4). Additionally, Toys â€Å"R†Us assimilated the renowned New York toy store FAO Schwarz together with its online websites during 2009. Items from this New York high-end shop are now in Toys â€Å"R†Us stores too (Brohan, par 4). Toys â€Å"R†Us Inc. runs more than eight hundred and seventy five Babies â€Å"R†Us and Toys â€Å"R†Us shops within the U.S., more than six hundred and twenty five worldwide stores as well as over one hundred and forty licensed shops within 35 nations as well as its jurisdictions. Toys â€Å"R†Us board of dir ectors is comprised of nine members with Gerald Storch as the Chairman as well as the Chief Executive officer (Brohan, par 6). In an ever developing online retailing marketplace, Toys â€Å"R†Us has also developed itself as a virtual retailer. Toys â€Å"R†Us operates many online retail websites. and have various international websites and are among the highly visited websites for clients looking for kids’ products (Lombardi, par 5). ... During 2012 Toys â€Å"R†Us sales of toys went down by a percentage of 3.5 to 20.47 billion dollars within the U.S, the global major toy market, rendering to a research company NPD Group. Previously, Toys â€Å"R†Us articulated that its same-stores sales within the US had gone down by 4.5% within the 9 weeks from 28th October to 29th December, a crucial time for toys’ sales (Brohan, par 8). Toys â€Å"R†Us total sales of toys went down by 4.7% in that period. Toys â€Å"R†Us Inc. has not stated toys’ sales results for its current fiscal year. During the year that concluded during 2012, January, same-store sales went down at home as well as within the global business, whereas total sales rocketed from 45 million dollars to 13.9 billion dollars (Lombardi, par). From this analysis, the Toys â€Å"R†Us Inc. is feasible to venture into emerging markets such as India. Despite the toy sales drop, Toys â€Å"R†Us total sales incre ment shows that the company can afford to venture new markets or emerging markets, which can boost its toy sales and generate more returns for the company (Brohan, par 5). India’s economic development was grounded upon socialist-inspired policies following the independence. It encompassed state-ownership of numerous sectors, regulations as well as red tape that was referred to as ‘License Raj’ in addition to safeguarding from the global markets. India’s political economy has rapidly transmuted with the economy’s liberalization during the 1990s (Maps of India, par 1). India has currently moved into a market-based structure and it is the global second speediest growing quintessential economy following China. India documented the highest gross domestic product rate of 9 percent in 2007. India’s growth has currently reached 7.5
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Flight Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Flight - Assignment Example Jill also claims that out of the few numbers of people trained on flying the airlines, only a small percentage are willing to be pilots. Despite there being a pilot shortage in the fight industry, there are also rules that limit the number of hours that a pilot can fly a plane before being replaced. Jill argues that the pilot salaries are also a limiting factor towards increasing the number of pilots (Schramm retrieved from The shortage has led to flight cancellations since more often there are no available pilots to fly the plane. Solsvig, an aircraft manager at the North Dakota airport claimed that the only way to solve the problem was to replace the small aircrafts with larger planes so that one pilot can serve many passengers. However, he also said that using larger planes would mean that flight frequency would be reduced. According to Allen, a pilot in the Dakota airport, the salaries of pilots need to be increased in order to draw more people into training to be pilots (Schramm retrieved from The training is also a discouraging factor and should be reduced to attract new trainees. According to the Minneapolis forum, all airports should invest more in pilot training and reduce the education requirements of pilots so as to give a chance for many people to train as pilots. Guy Norris claims that current pilot shortage is caused by lack of collaboration between the industry, the government and the academic institutions training pilots. The vice president of Boeing Airport said that the lack of coaction between the three parties is likely to cause the airline a problem in serving the increased numbers of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Reed supermarket case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reed supermarket analysis - Case Study Example However, as the case highlights Reed Supermarkets is facing stiff competition from newer entrants which because of their nimbleness and ability to offer steep discounts (at a discount 1 to 5% from the prices at Reeds) combined with better management of logistics have ensured that the market share of Reed Supermarkets (currently at 14%) is steadily eroding. The point to note is that Reed Supermarkets has positioned itself to cater to quality conscious customer rather than cost a conscious customer which makes for eminent business sense given the demographics of Columbus where the number of people earning more than the national average income is high. Further, Reeds scores heavily in the quality index of consumer perceptions (consistently averaging around 8.3%) whereas it scores lower in the price index (averaging around 4.3%). This is the crucial aspect of the case i.e. Reeds is perceived as a place to get high quality goods but not at an attractive price. Though a combination of high quality and low price is something that is a bit of a paradox, the fact that other retailers have been able to wean away the cost conscious consumers with their discounts and bigger floor areas means that Reeds needs to seriously rethink its strategy as it is faced with the problem of holding on to its market share and worse, losing ground to other retail ers as well. The suggestion that is being offered is that Reeds can stock different varieties of products at all price bands and also ensure economies of scale which other retailers seem to be doing. In this way, it would be able to cater to all segments of consumers as well as derive savings in costs that accrue from leveraging upon economies of scale. As the statistics point out, price is the major determinant which is followed by range of products and location and ease of shopping. If Reeds is able to circumvent these factors, then it would be in a position to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Accounting Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Accounting Project - Essay Example In 2011, its beer market I US was approximately $96 billion which shows a down of 1% compared to 2010. However, its net sales show a significant growth of 13.3% showing its success in capturing market share. BREW is now investing heavily in growth.1 Three creative beer making brands are owned by BREW. They always engage in the mixture and make of new beers and they attain even their own seasonal beers available only during their respective seasons. The company owns five brew-pub restaurants giving the company customer awareness that contributes highly to research and development. These restaurants help the company to keep in touch continuously with customers creating a good sense of brand loyalty. The industry the company is operating in is highly competitive and needs very hard work to have success in. Craft Brew competes in both the craft brewing market and in significantly larger alcoholic beverage markets well. This market encompasses imported and domestic beers, spirits, flavored alcohol beverages, ciders and wine. The competition in the specialty beer market and the domestic craft beer segment is based on taste, product quality, freshness and consistency, ability to differentiate products, product support and promotional methods, local appeal, distribution coverage and price. By the proliferation of the small craft brewers, also including the contract brewers, and the significant amount of products that such brewers offer, the craft beer segment has got increasingly competitive. Further, the craft brewers have also challenged us with more competition due to their peers expand distribution. Different regional markets are also means of varying competition. The company is also in competition against imported brands’ producers, such as Corona Extra, Heineken and Guinness. Most of such foreign brewers have got financial resources significantly greater than the company has. Although the imported beers account for a better share of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Discrimination Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Discrimination Law - Case Study Example Despite the fact that it is one of the most important types of the law in the UK, it nevertheless is widely regarded as one of the most cumbersome, inconsistent and complex legislation. This is due to the fact that that the person might be discriminated on many reasons and sometimes it might be difficult to distinguish between actual discrimination and legitimate actions that employer might take in the interest of the company. However, one should consider two main types of discrimination- sex and racial discrimination in order to evaluate the efficiency of the current anti discriminatory legislation in the United Kingdom; moreover, the British anti discrimination legislation should conform to the anti-discriminatory legislation of the EU. The case of Bilka-Kaufhaus GmbH v. Karin Weber Von Hartz is widely regarded as one of the most important cases in the anti-discriminatory legislation practice of the EU. One should recall the main features of this case. According to the documents provided in the case Bilka 1(which was a supermarket at the Western Germany) had occupational scheme for the workers employed by it. Despite the fact that scheme had been changed several times it was still regarded as an indispensable part of the contracts signed between workers and employers. Since 1973 the contract had stipulated that part-time workers could receive pensions only if they worked full time at least 15 years in the period of twenty years. Mrs Weber( who was working part-time) brought litigation against Bilka claiming that the above mentioned methods of paying pension was the violation of the article 119 of the EEC treaty (as this methods of the payments, in her opinion discriminated women against men, as women were more likely to be employed part time in order to look after their children). Bilka refuted these allegations and asserted that there were strong economic grounds for excluding part time workers from its pension's scheme, as the employment of full time workers lowered ancillary cost and provided more opportunities for the using of staff throughout all opening hours. According to the information provided by the company it paid 81.3 percent of its pensions to women, whereas women constituted only 72 percent of its work force, thus in view of Bilka's representatives there was no sex discrimination in the scheme mentioned. The case was still being considered at the Bundesarbeitsgericht and the court provided the following questions: whether there was indirect discrimination in the scope of the article 119 of the treaty and whether the company should modify the scheme so to accommodate workers who had to look after their families. In view of the representatives of the United Kingdom the scheme mentioned did not violate the article of 119 of the treaty as this article did not regulate the issue mentioned, moreover citing the case of Defrenne v Sabena, ECR they claimed that article 119 regulated pay discrimination between men and women and thus it could not be applied to other elements of employment. It also claimed that Council Directive on the implementation of the principles of equal pay between men and women that was submitted by the commission on 5 May, 1983 was the proof of the fact that the pension schemes were covered not by the article 119, but rather by Articles 117 and 118. Nevertheless, the Commission hold the view that the schemes mentioned fell within the scope of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Rhetorical Criticism-Week 6 Part I Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rhetorical Criticism-Week 6 Part I - Article Example Elements represented by these music videos enhance rhetorical analysis of the culture texts. Lil Wayne and Birdman’s music video, ‘Fire flame’ is one that was received with extreme eager to the fans all over the world. The lyrical description is often said about, and its listeners’ belief and behavioral characteristics need to be explored as they are regularly reflected on. The video falls under the hip-hop genre of music that is known to have the largest followers in the universe. This piece of entertainment is highly prominent. It is, therefore, necessary to determine how much its messages are perceived by the listeners and how they relate to the every fans’ life. The ‘Fire Flame’ music video has an intense description that hurls more on its experience among the artistes and fans. The music corresponds congruently to the young generation but incongruently to the older generation. It is a rhetoric perception since as it depicts different lyrical messages to different audiences (Sellnow 116). It depicts all about money and fame and to some extent, lurid sexual experiences. Fans consider this the trending ways of the century. It conveys emotional messages that term fans as ‘die-hard-fans’. It imparts in a negative way conceptually. According to the illusion of life perspective, the interpretation of the music video overrates vast experience. The youth, middle-aged men and other persons are the realest followers of the music. It is also initiated as a religion to some of the hard-core fans. It has arisen to the creation of various mal-intention groups and organizations aimed at promoting the music. The music release patterns are apt and always in the rise of production, developing both comic and tragic messages to all audiences (Sellnow 123). Perspective evaluation of this music video touches on various aspects of life. The video’s potential implications affect both the fans and opponents of the music. This music does not
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Types of Fishing Lines Essay Example for Free
The Types of Fishing Lines Essay The fishing line is considered as the most important tool of the fisherman. It is crucial in the presentation of the bait and the lure, in the hooking of the fish and in the landing of the hooked fish. However, most anglers are still confused over the current types of fishing lines and their respective uses. This is ironic, considering that thorough knowledge of the different kinds and functions of fishing lines can vastly improve one’s fishing skills (Sutton, 2008). Monofilament The monofilament fishing line is the most commonly-used type of fishing line. It is used on different fishing applications due to its strength, flexibility and adaptability. The monofilament fishing line is created through the heating of a mixture of polymers into fluid. This fluid is then made to pass through minute holes to form linear strands. The diameter of a strand, as well as its pound test, is determined by the size of the hole on which it was molded from (Garrison, 2008). Braided The braided fishing line is exceptionally strong and is very reliable in particular fishing conditions. It is produced through the braiding or weaving into a strand of line fibers of synthetic materials such as Spectra or Micro-Dyneema. The substances in which the braided fishing line was made of render it very durable and abrasion-resistant. Most fishermen, however, complain that it is very visible in the water – a fish will not bite a lure that it can see for a long period of time (Garrison, 2008). Fluorocarbon The fluorocarbon fishing line is well-known for its near-invisibility in water. This is because it is a polymer that has the same refractive index (the ability of a substance to bend light that passes through it) as water. The fluorocarbon is also very suitable for fishing in strong currents – it is heavier than the monofilament, making it sink faster. Because the fluorocarbon is less porous than the monofilament, it lasts longer than the latter. The only drawbacks of the fluorocarbon is that its ridged structure makes it unable to keep a knot longer than a monofilament does and that its stiff quality makes it prone to breakage (Zubia, 2006). Conclusion The three types of fishing lines – monofilament, braided and fluorocarbon – are all important tools in fishing. However, their indispensability can only be realized and appreciated through proper usage. A fisherman must know when, where and how to use them. Only then can the monofilament, braided and fluorocarbon can fully serve their respective purposes. References Garrison, R. About. com. (2008). What You Need to Know about Braided Fishing Line. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from http://fishing. about. com/library/weekly/aa110302a. htm Garrison, R. About. com. (2008). What You Need to Know about Monofilament Fishing Line. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from http://fishing.about. com/library/weekly/aa111702a. htm MSN Encarta. (2008). Fishing. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761556314/Fishing. html Sutton, K. Bass Pro Shops. (2008). Choosing the Right Fishing Line. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from http://www. basspro. com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPage? CMID=objectID=2943 Zubia, T. HookUpSportsfishing. (2006, May 13). Fluorocarbon Fishing Line. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from http://www. hookupsportfishing. com/forum/forum270/thread6433. html
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Library System Essay Example for Free
Library System Essay ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to Mr. Raquel V.desello the Brgy.Chairman of Street whose sincerity and encouragement I will never forget. Mr. Dominic Sales has been my inspiration as I hurdle all the obstacles in the completion this research work. My sincere thanks also goes Mrs. De Leon for offering me the summer internship opportunities in their groups and leading me working on diverse exciting projects. I thank my fellow comp.labmates in Trent Information First and other Group: Mr. Renz Paolo Cruz, Rochelle Dones for allow me to barrow her flash drive, and, for the stimulating discussions, for the rush hour we were working together before few minutes before defense, and for all the fun we have had in the last two years. Also I thank my friends in face book that gave me at least their effort to gave few sentence in my documentation Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: my parents Mrs. Chanda Desello and Mr. Quemadge Desello, for giving birth to me at the first place and supporting me spiritually throughout my life. Same as my partner in case study Lienard Magno ABSTRACT This report describes our groups implementation of a library Management system. We used the Entity-Relationship model to design a database that will store and organize the librarys data. We have Created the database using vb6.0 and populated it with some sample Data. The system can keep track of library cards, customers, Librarians, library locations, books, videos, and the relationships Between them. Using vb6.0 and adodb, we have Created an Internet-based graphical user interface that allows Customers and librarians to access the system remotely A simple library management system that provides following facilities login, register, add category, add / remove book, search / issue book, return book. Language used is C# and vb is been used in code. One Admin user is already there once db is installed with user name admin and password admin. Admin user has extra functionalities like add category, add/remove books. These functionalities cannot be done by simple user that registers. Password encryption decryption has been used in project. It’s very simple project where in all the event of all forms has been handled in that acts as business and data access layer. All vB interactions are in this file only. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Now a day, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibility fast place. Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast. In School, reading materials are stored in libraries. Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The librarian has to keep the room neat so that it is conducive for learning. The librarian is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the books that are borrowed and returned by the borrowers. The proponents will propose the Library Books borrowing and Returning System for Taytay Elementary School located at Taytay, Rizal, he Head Librarian, Ms. De Leon stated that they are currently using the Dewey Decimal Library System. They are still utilizing a manual system. The library users and the librarian still use card catalogues in searching for reading materials and use index card for the records of borrowed and returned books. The proponent’s study was what is which encounter to the Library by the user, Librarian and how the Owner or the Administrator of the said school will provide a good service to their clients to have a good feedback. The study will focus on transaction which done inside the Library like borrowing, returning of books by students, faculties and staffs. In this area, the usage of computerized library system is needed because it is easier and obviously it saves paper compare to the manual library based. Other countries such as South America and Middle East. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS library system in doing transactions with their clienteles. Specifically this study pourpost to answer the following questions: 1. How can the system helps the librarian? 2. What are the inputs needed in the system in order for the students/staff/visitors to be able to login/logout when entering and borrowing books? 3. What are the information and data needed to put up a computerized library system of (tes) Taytay Elementary School. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS SCOPE The system is create for the library except for easy way for librarian to make her work easy this is also for their customer to barrow books easy and to return also for data for clearly using it.. Delimitation The other way,this study is limits for the proposed enhancement computerized library system of Taytay Elementary School. System proposed to only one authorized person.
Streptococcus Mutans: Causes, Effects and Transmission
Streptococcus Mutans: Causes, Effects and Transmission Introduction Streptococcus mutans is the bacteria responsible for dental cavities in humans. The full taxonomy, or classification of the organism, is Bacteria Firmicutes Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus Mutans (1). From S. mutans’ scientific name one can understand quite a bit about the bacteria. The domain and kingdom are Bacteria, meaning S. mutans is a one celled organism that doesn’t have a distinct nucleus. The phylum Firmicutes tells us that the cell wall is strong, thick, and most likely Gram-positive. The class Bacilli explains the rod-shape of the bacteria. The order is Lactobacillales and the definition of Lactobacillales is â€Å"lactic acid bacteria†. Streptococcaceae family classifies S. mutans as Gram-positive, facultative anaerobe, usually nonmotile, and found in pairs, chains, or tetrads. From the genus of streptococcus, we know that the bacteria is non spore forming, in pairs or chains, and usually requires a complex culture medium to gr ow. Finally, the species Mutans specifies that the bacteria lives in our mouths and causes dental cavities. Cavities are permanent tooth decay that makes holes in teeth and are usually painful. They can lead to more serious health complications. Morphology The morphology of S. mutans, or form and structure of an organism, is why this bacteria can create cavities so well and why it is so hard to kill. S. mutans is 0.5 to 0.75 micrometers in diameter, Gram-positive cocci, strepto arrangement(1,2). To put the size of S. mutans into prospective, a micrometer is one millionth the size of a meter. Gram- positive cells turn purple from crystal violet in the Gram stain test. Gram-positive cells turn purple because the cell wall is composed of a thick layer of peptidoglycan, a polymer made from polysaccharide and peptide chains(1). The peptidoglycan holds onto the crystal violet and doesn’t let it get washed out. This component of the cell wall also prevents osmosis lysis. That means the cell will not burst from an imbalance of solvent concentration from inside the cell to the outside of the cell. Streptococci bacteria such as S. mutans are cocci, or a circular bacteria that sticks together in a line, or strepto arrangement. This single cell organism does not have a nucleus or organelles in its cytoplasm. The genetic material is kept in single strands that get duplicated during binary fission, which is how the cell reproduces because it does not produce spores. This bacteria has a capsule composed of polysaccharide and dextran glucose. S. mutans uses a protein on its surface to attach itself to a tooth, the bacteria then grows this dextran capsule that is a slime that binds the bacteria to the tooth enamel. In this slime is where the bacteria divides and produces colonies, this is a biofilm. S. mutans is a facultative anaerobe so the bacteria uses oxygen if it is present, but does not need oxygen to survive(2). This mesophilic bacteria grows best at 18 to 40 degrees Celsius (64 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit)(1). All of S. mutans morphology makes it completely adapted to living in such an extreme place as a mouth. Biofilm S. mutans is an animal parasite, especially in animals with a high carbohydrate diet. Because this bacteria is a parasite, it needs a host to survive and the host suffers from the bacteria. S. mutans is the main reason for dental cavities and is found mostly on the surface of teeth. It is found in higher concentration in the natural crevices and fissures of teeth. On these surfaces S. mutans creates plaque. Plaque is a biofilm. Biofilm is microorganisms sticking to a surface and to each other in an extracellular matrix that is usually self-produced. Plaque is formed in three steps. First the pellicle, or film, is formed. The pellicle is the dextran polymer capsule on the bacteria. This also becomes the extracellular matrix of the biofilm. Second is the cell to surface attachment of S. mutans to the tooth(1). Last is later S. mutans attaching to the first S. mutans that landed on the tooth. This plaque biofilm is 300-500 cells(1). Plaque formation begins immediately after the tooth su rface is cleaned and takes four to seven days for the plaque to become fully mature. After only one to two days of uninterrupted formation, the plaque is visible. Plaque can calcify and become hard, forming calculus. Plaque will continue to grow over calculus(3). Metabolism S. mutans have a fairly simple metabolism. A metabolism is the chemical processes that occur in an organism to maintain life. S. mutans cleave, or cut, sucrose from the host’s diet into glucose and fructose(1). They eat these food particles with channels in their cell wall that help molecules cross the cell wall and get into the cell(4). If there are no food particles the bacteria leaks an enzyme that attacks and breaks down certain tissues in its environment. The fructose that came from the sucrose is fermented and used as an energy source for the bacteria to grow. The glucose is polymerized into the dextran polymer that is the extracellular matrix that cements the S. mutans to tooth enamel(1). The dextran slime can later be depolymerized back into glucose. This glucose would be used as a carbon source that results in the production of lactic acid. The lactic acid in the plaque decalcifies the enamel and leads to cavities and infections of a tooth. Diseases Cavities caused by S. mutans cause many unpleasant symptoms and may cause more health issues. When a cavity is just beginning you may not have any symptoms, this makes cavities hard to catch unless you visit the dentist regularly. Once the cavity gets larger it can cause a toothache, tooth sensitivity to something as simple as the air we breathe, pain when eating or drinking anything sugary, pain brought on by hot or cold substances, pain while chewing or biting down, and a bitter taste in your mouth. Cavities will create visible holes, discoloration on teeth, and bad breath, which can lead to low self-esteem and poor social interactions. If cavities get deep enough to get into the pulp chamber of the tooth, it can cause an abscessed, or infected, tooth. The cavity causes inflammation in the center of the tooth and an infection forms. The infection will create a puss pocket, this is the abscess. Abscesses can spread to the gum and jaw bone, causing pain and inflammation. Sometimes th e pain caused by an abscessed tooth is so extreme it can’t be relieved by pain medication. If the abscess spreads quickly it can cause fever and swelling in the face. If an abscess pops it may cause flu- like symptoms. These abscesses that are caused by the cavities created by S. mutans can lead to another mouth disease, periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is divided into two categories: gingivitis and periodontitis(5). Gingivitis is less severe and more common, it is the inflammation of gum tissue. Periodontitis is an inflammatory response due to plaque that causes the gum to come loose from the tooth and recede and causes loss of bone in the jaw. In extreme cases, the gum recedes enough to expose the entire root of the tooth. The overall oral health of an individual is closely related to health throughout the body. Heart disease, stroke, endocarditis, premature birth and low birth weight, diabetes, and osteoporosis are all closely linked to periodontal disease and othe r mouth infections. S. mutans can cause some serious health issues if proper oral health is not maintained. The surgeon general has called tooth decay the â€Å"silent epidemic†. Transmittion S. mutans take up 30 to 60 percent of an adult’s normal oral flora(4). This means out of all the normal microorganisms that live in a mouth S. mutans is one of the most common. Adults have a higher concentration of this bacteria in their mouths, but children are more vulnerable to it(1). The most common transfer of S. mutans is from a caregiver to a child. It can be passed vertically, or from a mother to a baby immediately before and after birth. So, if a mother has a lot of S. mutans bacteria there is a good chance the child will inherit that trait. The bacteria can also be passed horizontally, or from one person to another. Saliva will pass S. mutans from one person to another. If a caregiver shares eating utensils with a child, they are giving that child the S. mutans bacteria. If the child doesn’t have teeth the bacteria will colonize in furrows of the tongue(1). Cavities are the most common childhood disease. A child is five times more likely to suffer from cavitie s than asthma. Prevention and Treatment Cavities are the reason for half of all dental visits and two billion dollars are spent a year in treatment(1). S. mutans are extremely hard to treat with medicine because biofilm cells are 1,000 times more tolerant to antibiotics(4). There is no cure for S. mutans because of its virulence factors. It contains water insoluble glycan, has an acid tolerance, and produces lactic acid. Although we can’t get rid of this bacteria, we can prevent and treat its diseases. Brushing at least twice a day, especially after meals, and flossing at least once a day can help prevent cavities causes by S. mutans. If there isn’t any food particles for the bacteria to break down, it can’t form lactic acid to break down the enamel. Fluoride treatments also help prevent cavities by strengthening the tooth enamel. Enamel is the human body’s most mineralized substance. Fluoride can also reverse some decalcification caused by the lactic acid through a process called remineralizati on. Visiting the dentist every six months for a cleaning is recommended. Dentists and dental hygienists will help prevent the damage done by S. mutans and will catch cavities in early stages. Dentists can also apply sealants to the crevices on the chewing side of molars. A sealant is a thin plastic-like coating that will prevent plaque from building up on the tooth itself. Everyone has the S. mutans bacteria and the only thing anyone can do to prevent cavities is to lessen the impact of the acid fermentation caused by this bacteria. Once cavities have formed a dentist will give fillings. Dentist’s drill a small area around the cavity to fit either an amalgam or a composite filling inside of the hole or divot created by the lactic acid. Amalgam fillings are the silver-looking fillings many people have. They are durable, strong, last 10-15 years, and are less expensive than the composite fillings. The negatives of amalgam fillings are they discolor the tooth, cause cracks and f ractures, allergic reactions, and destroy tooth structure. Composite fillings look better because they are made to look the same color as a tooth. They are also chemically bonded for better support and less tooth needs to be removed prior to putting the filling in. The negatives of the composite filling are they need to be replaced about every five years and they are double the cost of amalgam fillings. If a cavity is too bad the dentist may need to perform a root canal and remove the nerves from the tooth. That tooth will then be dead, but it will not hurt anymore. In some cases a dentist might just need to pull a tooth out. Future A University of Florida oral biology professor, Jeffrey Hillman has found a way to tweak the S. mutans bacteria in a way that the bacteria will stop converting sugar into lactic acid. Without lactic acid there are no cavities. S. mutans and humans used to live together in harmony until relatively recently when our diets contained more refined sugar. Hillman’s vision is to have patients swish the dominant modified bacteria in their mouths for a few minutes, then chew gum to activate it. At that point that person would be cavity free for life. Hillman calls this â€Å"replacement therapy†(6). Conclusion S. mutans can very easily live in our mouths because of factors such as its peptidoglycan cell wall that makes it hard to penetrate and polysaccharide and dextran glucose capsule that adheres the bacteria to teeth and forms its matrix. That same dextran slime creates lactic acid that breaks down the calcification on our enamel, creating cavities. Cavities can lead to more serious health issues. There is no guarantee to preventing diseases caused by S. mutans. Brushing, flossing, and dental visits are the best thing one can do to prevent the diseases. Maybe one day Hillman’s discovery will be utilized so humans and Streptococcus mutans can live in harmony again. References Streptococcus mutans. MicrobeWiki. The student editied microbiology resource. Edited 2014 Heather Payne. Streptococcus mutans. Missouri ST. published 2005 Time and Rate of Plaque Formation. University of Illinois at Chicago. Amber Allmann. Streptococcuss mutans. University of Wisconsin La Crosse. Bioweb, Published 2007 Walter J. loesche. Microbiology of Dental Decay and Periodental. Medical Microbiology. Published 1996 Explore. Tackling tooth decay. Researched at The University of Florida. Published summer of 2004
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
How Emily Brontë Fulfills the Expectations of the Gothic Genre Essay
How Emily Brontà « Fulfills the Expectations of the Gothic Genre Within this essay I will examine the social and historical background of Emily Brontà «'s upbringing, and the way her only novel, wuthering height, is related to the gothic genre. Emily Brontà « was brought up in a time very different from our own; she lived on secluded moors and without many of our modern day privileges, and became very close to her family. Many of her close family members died within her lifetime, affecting her deeply and leaving her emotionally scarred. The tragedy and misfortune of Emily Brontà «'s life is shown through her novel 'Wuthering Heights'. The many dark, sad and misfortunate parts of this novel which represent Emily Brontà «'s life are the same parts which can be categorised it in to the gothic genre. Cathy represents Emily Brontà «; they both suffered the loss of a parent and lived on secluded moors. The semi-autobiographical nature is also shown through Hindely, Cathy's brother, and his similarities to Emily Brontà «'s brother, both go through a spiral downfall into alcoholism and drink themselves into early graves. Emily Brontà « lived in a male dominated Georgian society. It was this male dominance and the idea of female inadequacy that forced her to publish her only novel Wuthering Heights under the male pseudonym Ellis Bell. Brontà «'s novel contains many of the elements that can be seen in the gothic genre. The setting is true to the gothic style; it is in a secluded place that often represents something that happened there. 'On that bleak hill top the earth was hard with a black frost.' In my opinion it represents the dark and gloomy past of Wuthering Heights, the death of Cathy and the tormented life of Heat... ... of a higher class. This shows the shallowness of society at the time and that society was male dominated. Women were forced to be dependent on men and had to marry men they didn't love to secure them a financial future and to gain a better social status. The novel raises issues that can been seen in societies of all times, including the modern society in which we live. It shows how people are judge on material things, most commonly in this novel it shows how people are judged on social status. The novel is told through two narrations, Nelly Dean and Lockwood. The parts of the novel that Nelly Dean narrates are informal, This shows Nelly is a servant, and is considered to be lower class in society. However when Lockwood narrates, the language is more formal, and like that of a highly educated person showing he is of higher class than Nelly Dean is.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
There are several interactions that happen between species. They include competition, mutualism, predation, parasitism, and disease. Each one of these can affect organisms either in a positive or negative way. These are all important for organisms to evolve and become the best fit of their species. Without these interactions species would never change and would die out very easily when faced with tough environments. Competition is always over the supply of a limited resource. There are two types of competition: intraspecific and interspecific. Intraspecific is competition between the same species. This is usually beneficial to the species as a whole because it results in the best fit organism. Interspecific is competition between different species and is known to be detrimental to both species. There are three principles that apply to competition. Competition exclusion principle is when two species live together and occupy the same niche and eventually one species will out compete the other and replace it in that environment. The second principle is niche overlap which means that when two species live together over a large area one species will replace the other in part of that area. The last principle, character displacement, is when two species live together and initially occupy the same niche they may evolve to become different over time in order to avoid competition. When more than one spec ies occupy the same niche and are very similar it is common for one of them to become specialized in that area. For example if two birds are eating the same food one may develop a different beak over time in order to hunt for a different food. Mutualism is another important species interaction. Mutualism is a relationship that is benefi... ... but similar areas. They put some in isolation and some went into a mixture of other species. It was discovered that the species in the mixture evolved more diversely than those that were in isolation. They also discovered that the mixture of species changed the way they used resources. This showed that the species that evolved together were more productive than the species in isolation. The final conclusion was that â€Å"species interactions can have a major effect on evolutionary dynamics, which can in turn influence ecosystems functioning†(Timothy G Barraclough). I found the academic journals to be the most helpful. They provided a lot of information. Academic journals are the most reliable source when writing a paper because they are peer reviewed and are accurate in a specified field. All my articles stated the same information so there were no inconsistences.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ordinary People :: essays research papers
     â€Å"Why does the world go on when things like this happen?†, is a quote by Gerda Weissman Klein. This means that unfortunately, incidents that don’t always have a positive impact on our lives, can not hold us back from moving on, or the world form continuing its business. Ordinary People by Judith Guest is a fine example of when the world goes on when you experience a grief so great that you felt almost as if the world betrayed you continuing to allow the sun to rise every and the birds to sing in spite of your pain. Ordinary People deals with the hardships of one â€Å"ordinary†family’s day to day life.           Buck Jarret brother of Conrad and son of Calvin and Beth was sailing in bad conditions with his brother when their sailboat capsized. Conrad was most effected by this tragedy. Judith Guest uses characterization to reveal this pain that Conrad holds deep down inside. Conrad is so effected by this accident that he eventually attempts to commit suicide, however he is unsuccessful due to the fact that Calvin walked in on him. Conrad could not deal with the hardship of not having the brother he once had and loved. Conrad believed that the choice was his to decide whether or not he wanted to watch the sun rise or listen to the birds sing every morning . Calvin stated that there was one thing he did wrong and that was that â€Å"he stayed with the boat†.      Beth Jarret can be used as more of an indirect relation to this quote. Beth awoke one night to find Calvin missing from her bedside, when she went downstairs looking for him she found him sitting at the dining table crying. Calvin was upset at the fact that Beth fails to show affection for her son Conrad. Calvin stated â€Å"Its almost like you buried all of your love with Buck†. Calvin continued to explain how he has been thinking and he is not sure if he is in love with Beth anymore due to her actions. Guest uses very dramatic dialogue to develop the level of seriousness in this crucial conversation Calvin feels great pain over this situation but yet the sun rises the next morning only to bring an understanding between Conrad and Calvin.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Teaching Of English To Young Children Education Essay
Vocabulary plays a really of import function in larning a foreign linguistic communication and is one component that links the four accomplishments: speech production, listening, reading and composing. Without learning vocabulary, many pupils can fall behind in other capable countries. In order to pass on good in a foreign linguistic communication, pupil should get an equal figure of words and should cognize how to utilize them right. Experienced instructors of English as a Second Language know really good how of import vocabulary is. They know pupils must larn 1000s of words that talkers and authors of English use.Fortunately, the demand for vocabulary is one point on which instructors and pupils agree. For many old ages, nevertheless, plans that prepared linguistic communication instructors gave small attending to techniques for assisting pupils learn vocabulary. Some books appeared to be stating instructors that pupils could larn all the words they needed without aid. In fact, instructors were sometimes told that they ought non to learn many words before their pupils had mastered the grammar and sound system of the linguistic communication. In journal articles for instructors, vocabulary was rarely mentioned. Pronunciation and grammar were emphasized, but there was small or no accent on vocabulary. The purpose of my MA thesis would be to demo how the cognition of broad scope of vocabulary is of import for scholar of Second Language but besides how to do it interesting and easy adaptable for immature pupils. During my work in Primary School I have observed how easy kids become distracted when they are non motivated. It is really indispensable to maintain them engaged in the lesson. I know from my learning experience that utilizing assortments techniques and methods are really of import while learning kids. I would wish to see some of them. A figure of techniques can be adopted to show new vocabulary points. Some techniques are more popular and more frequently used than others. Besides it is up to the instructor which techniques he or she decides to utilize but ever the effectivity of instruction should be considered. Every instructor tends to utilize and prefers some technique that he or she finds interesting. There are techniques that are peculiarly appropriate for certain types of words – for illustration actions can be explained through dumb show. Another factor that is deserving sing is the age of the scholars. Younger 1s respond rather good when we show them concrete illustrations, the older 1s can pull off reasonably good abstract accounts or even definitions.The presentation of new vocabulary can be classified for illustration harmonizing to verbal and ocular techniques. Among ocular techniques we can happen images – flash cards, exposure and magazine images, wall charts, postings, chalkboard drawi ngs, word images, several realia that instructors can keep up or point to. Mime, action and gestures can be used particularly for explicating actions and times. Learners can label images or objects or execute an action.Verbal techniques consist of utilizing exemplifying state of affairss, descriptions, equivalent word and opposite word, collocations, graduated tables, and utilizing assorted signifiers of definition: for illustration, definition by presentation ( ocular definition ) , definition by abstraction, contextual definitions, and definition by interlingual rendition. Explanation can go highly hard particularly with novice degrees. There are many different methods and approaches how to learn a foreign linguistic communication, including vocabulary. I will advert some of them that can be used for learning immature scholars. A small spot of flooring method is the direct method. The female parent lingua is ne'er used, there are no interlingual renditions. Merely mark linguistic communication is used and merely complete sentences. Culture is considered an of import facet. Suggestopedia is a really successful method in assisting scholars to memorise words. This method stimulates the learner?s encephalon by music while larning but nowadays instructors seem to be go forthing this method. What truly works particularly for immature scholars is the Entire Physical Response method. Very many kids are nowadays really hyper and physically active and to concentrate for a long clip can be really hard for them. Using this method, games, altering subjects and utilizing a assortment of activities is really appreeciated by them. .Communicative Language Approach ( Teaching ) – CLT – stresses the significance of a linguistic communication in context. Communicative competency is extremely developed h ere and scholars are encouraged to pass on. When learning immature scholars, the instructor has to be strong at the cognition but besides needs to link with the kids. They need to experience the instructor likes them and wants to learn them something new. The consequences are seen easy and the scholars at this age are really thankful when person invest clip in them. The instructor has to cognize his or her students. It is of import to understand their demands, their outlooks with which each kid comes to the lessons, besides ways how to actuate them and last but non least their learning manner. All this the instructor is larning while working with the scholars. The instructors get to cognize their households, their avocations and involvements and merely basic information about the scholars. Besides, particularly today, we as instructors have to see the acquisition disablements excessively. There are more and more chidlren with these jobs and we as instructors need to assist them to bask the lessons and assist them to larn exces sively. The instructor needs to understand their differences, their cultural and household background. The features of immature scholars will be besides needed. I want to demo that working with them offers many possibilities and we can utilize many methods and attacks. During my teacher?s preparation I have learned that it is of import to larn about their personalities and besides to acquire to cognize them. Every scholar is different and we need to see each individual separately.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Gender Inequality Essay
Gender inqualities often stem from social structures that have instiutionalized conceptions of gender differences. Gender inequality has been around for centuries. In many family homes, their lives evolve around gender roles. The responibilties in the family are allocated to their sex (gender). There are certain tasks which are usually allocated to males and females. Some see this division as biologolical differences between the sexes and others see it happening in cultural backgrounds. There are sociological theories that have tended to see gender roles as natural and inevitable. Talcott Parsons, suggested that within the modern nuclear family it was essential that one parent, (the father) performed the instrumental role of the leader and provider whilst the mother performed the expressive role of giving psychological support and taking responsibilty for socialising children. This made sense because women give birth to and nurse their children. It’s a typical sterotype, that is engrained in both men and women. Gender is seen closely related to the roles and behaviour assigned to women and men based on their sexual differences. As children we learn and adapt to specific gender roles, and as we grow they become more evident and more important to our role in a society. There is more married women that work outside of the home and some men spend more time at home with their families. Martial roles have become increasingly similar. Historians of the family have made it show how gender roles in the family are socially constructed. The roles pllayed by men and women in any history poont may seem natural and inevitable. When you look back to the past, you see how much its changed according to the reguirements of society and the needs of families at particular times. During the latter of the 20th century the views began to change but still stained ideologies from the past they still exist ath the brink of the 21st century. 82% of women (wives and girlfriends) still do the housework according to a new study in Britain, but when it comes to housework, we are back in the 50s. For the females of today we can pretty much do anything we like, join the army, be a prime misiter, run a company or be a stay at home mum. As the new century, today, we see a greatly altered family landscape in which dual-income and single parents families outnumber the ascendant two-parent, one-earner in the household. There is more single parent families nowadays. So they would be taking on the roles as the breadwinner and home maker. But its not just women doing this, there is a lot of men as single parents and broken families that have to take on these roles. So a lot has changed over the years. And there is more and more working parents. Gender role and inquality is not just geared towards women but also men. As much as women face inqualities, ther are many aspects about the world that’s is unfair towards men. The question remains, â€Å"will men and women ever be found equal? †My answer, no. Men and women are simply too different to be considered be treated the same. Yes, I do believe that men and women should be paid the same, and given equal and all opportunity, but as far as the biological sense goes men and women have two completely different biological makeup. It is scientifically true that women are more nurturing whereas men are found to be much more competitive and aggressive. That is not to say that those traits can not be mixed upon the two genders, but there is still too much that keeps gender separate. In some culturals, gender inequality will never change for most. The women are to stay at home, raise the family and do the household chores. In some of theses culturals domestic violence accurs and the women keep quiet about it because they cant leave because its discrimmination to their society and most culutrals don’t allow women to get a divorce. Many developing countries including India have displayed gender inequalit in education, employment and health. It is common to find girls and women suffering from high mortality rates. India has witnessed gender inquality from its early history due to its socio-ecnomic and religious practices that resulted in a wide gap between the position of men and women in the society. Gender inquality has an adverse impact on development goals and reduces ecnomic groth. It hampers the overall well being, because blocking women from participation in social polical and ecnomic activties can adversely affect th whole society. Discrimination also plays out with networking and in preferential treatment within the economic market. Men typically occupy positions of power within the job economy. Due to taste or preference for other men because they share similar characteristics, men in these positions of power are more likely to hire or promote other men, thus discriminating against women. Discrimination against men in the workplace is rarer but does occur, particularly in health care professions. Only an estimated 0. 4% of midwives in the UK are male and according to cbs only 1% of all trainee nurses and only 2% of Secretaries are male. Women have increasingly been finding their place in a male driven environment whether it be in the office, politics, or in the cut throat world business and CEO’s, women have become more and more powerful in a man’s world. Needless to say, women have not reached the level of power that a man would have, but seeing as where woman stood forty years ago it is a step in the right direction. Over the years, gender role has clearly played a big part in the way that women are treated, whether it be being confined to the kitchen, or rendered to emotional to run for office, it seems as though society has built two completely different species of human to live amongst each other. It may sound drastic, but if men and women were to be more similar, there would be more chance for equal treatment. As unfortunate as it is, it seems as though society is at a stand still on where to go with gender inequality, and if there is no way to convince an entire generation to change they way they treat each other, then it might as well stay that way. Unfortunately society is way too stubborn to be able to change its ways about said subject. All that being said, we have come a great deal over the years, and maybe one day we can point that everyone can agree on.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Understand the Main Legislation for Safeguarding Children
Unit 333 – Understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people. Outcome 1 – Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. The safe guarding of children has only been developed in the last 50 years. However it is a vital part of working with children. The legislations, guidelines and policies for safeguarding are updated all the time for the best interest of the children.The current legislations are as follows; * The Children Act 1989 – this act shows the responsibilities of parents and professionals when ensuring children’s safety. There are two important sections which focus on child protection. Section 47 – the local authority has a duty to investigate when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child in their area is suffering significant harm. Section 17 – services must be put in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in the area wh o are in need.The main aims of this act where to achieve a balance between protecting children and the rights of parent to challenge state intervention, encourage partnership between statutory authorities and parents, restructure the framework of the courts in particular with regards to family proceedings and finally redefining the concept of parental responsibility. * Every Child Matters are the guidelines which lead to the Children Act 2004.The main points of the act are, there should be a much closer relationship between agencies such as health professionals, schools and welfare services, there should be a shared data base of information which if relevant to the safety and welfare of children, Earlier support for parent experiencing problems, Ofsted to set a frame work that will monitor children’s services. This became a legal requirement and Local safeguarding children boards (LSCB) were formed to carry out these different things. Education Act 2002 – Sets out the responsibilities of local education authorities, governing bodies, head teachers and all those working in schools to ensure children are safe and free from harm. * The United Nation Convention on the rights of the Child 1989 (UNCRC) – Protects the rights of children, setting out the guidelines for what a child is entitled to regardless of their background treat every child as equal and respecting their human rights.Things such as, a right to education and health care, the right to grow up in a loving happy and understanding environment, the right to develop personalities abilities and potential to the best of their abilities and the right to special protection measures or assistance. The UK signed this legislation in 1990 and ratified it in 1991. * The Common assessment framework (CAF) aims to determine whether a child has additional needs at a young age and support this to make sure their needs are met. The department of education provides guidance for the local authorities including schools in two different policies which are, working together to safeguard children 2010 (sets out the duties of organisations and how they must work together to safeguard children) and what to do if you’re worried a child is being abuse 2006 (looks at the actions all adults should take if they are concerned about child). There are many guidelines, policies and procedures that affect our day to day work when safeguarding children.As we follow all these policies and procedures it affects they way in which we work with children for example the child protection policy, this makes it our responsibility to record and report if there is a child that raises concerns of suspected abuse. The school will also have to check that and concerns are investigated and followed up and also that if any photos are taken of the children that parents have given permission for this. Another procedure would be the risk assessments that are carried out daily.This is part of the daily routin e but when looked at from a different perspective it is another procedure that is set out to safeguard children. It is put in place to make sure that the children are safe and free from harm whilst in the setting and any concerns about safety are reported and sorted before the children are allowed to either play with that equipment or go in the area to ensure they are safe. Making sure that a situation that could potentially cause harm is safe and fine to use.Ensuring the voice of a child is heard, all agencies involved in the safeguarding of children will ensure that the voice of the child is heard particularly in times of distress or trauma as then the support they need can be given. The LSCB are set up by the local authority to make sure that all children are being looked after and the safeguarding and wellbeing of children is being followed. Also if a school has a concern about a child the LSCB will make sure outside agencies work together for the best interest of the child.The Childcare practice is an important policy that all childcare or schools will have to follow that is from nannies all the way through to schools. All professionals working with children will have to ensure that they have a criminal record bureau (CRB) before starting work. Each organisation will also have to show that they are following the correct safeguarding policies and procedure when dealing with situations and also when reporting them.All of these guidelines are use not only locally but nationally to ensure that all the children are safe and their well-being is top priority on a day-to-day basis. When report a safeguarding issue it is vital that the guidelines are followed and followed correctly. Child protection is the term used when referring to the policies and procedures put in place to protect children and young people against suspicion or harm or abuse.Safeguarding has widely started to replace the term child protection when in the context of adults working with children and managing the issues relating to child protection, this is because it has a wider definition of the ways that adults will react to these issues. This has been design to prevent the risks of harm rather than react to them. The LSCB regulations of 2006 states that serious case reviews (SCRs) will be required in situations where a child dies due to known or suspected abuse or neglect. It may be the case if a child has suffered serious or even life threatening injuries.The purpose of a SCR is for agencies to discuss and determine what lessons have been learned from the situation and how the professionals need to work in the future. Then a report for the public will be composed so recommendations are known. The data protection act 1998 sets out the way that a school keeps and store information. Under this act the information gathered for safeguarding and children protection should only be used for this reason and if the pupil concerned or their parents wish to see this information the y have a right to access it.There are a few exceptions to this rule such as, * Information which may cause serious harm or risk of abuse to health of the pupil. * Information given to a court or in adoption or parental order records * Copies of examination scripts or marks prior to their release * Unstructured personal information, or information which is held manually and not in school records. They are also entitled to their own educational records as well.
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