Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Devi, the Great Goddess
Devi, the Great Goddess Devi is an Indian Great Goddess. The name Devi literally means a ‘goddess’. This gives an explanation that she is a feminine deity. She is the tender and accessible mother and is usually approached as ‘Ma’. Basically, she is the Mother of the universe mostly known as Jaganmata. She presumes celestial proportions having ability to destroy evil and power over the creation and disbanding of the worlds.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Devi, the Great Goddess- Nonwestern Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Myriads of names that demonstrate local mores and myths worship her. It is interesting to note that she is a single being although perceived to be numerous at the same time. This means that though she is one goddess, she can manifest herself in various ways. In addition, worshippers celebrate her through songs and poems in their praise and worship. Devi takes different forms through which she manifests herself. Perhaps, this explains why she is a multiple being though one deity. She takes many forms because of different functions that are accredited to her. These different manifestations exhibit her strength and beauty. Besides, Devi is perceived in different ways due to chronological approach and religious functions she performs. Some of her manifestations are indeed tremendous. For instance, she is first manifested as cosmic force whereby she destroys demonic powers that cause menace to world stability. She also creates, exterminates, and restructures the universe. The second form is dayini. Since she is gentle, this form is radiant and gentle in nature. Many worshippers delight in this form because she is the cordial giver of boons, riches, luck, and achievement. The third manifestation is that she is seen as a heroine. Women are fond of this form because she usually descends on earth to provide stimulating models for them. The beauty of women in dressing is attri buted to this manifestation. She is also manifested as a local defender of vicinities, townships, and individual ethnic natives. As a defender, she is concerned with local matters only. In her fifth manifestation, Devi is seen as semi-divine force. She reveals herself through fertility spirits. In this manifestation, the worshippers looked at her for the purpose of fertility in their lives. Finally, she is also seen in the form of woman saints. These saints are born on earth but gifted with profound spirituality and different worldly powers. It is imperative to note that these forms are represented in visual arts through paintings of vivid color. The visuals have appealing and attractive paintings which are able of expressing her beauty and strength through striking colors.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The visual representation that interests me most is the one w hich displays Virahi seated on a tiger. This is because it represents how Devi as a cosmic force is ready to step out to destroy any demonic force that can bring instability in the universe. In the poem, she is seen seated on a lion depicting the strength of destruction. The colors are striking and attractive according to her mission to reconstruct the universe. The rich glowing colors have an impact to the message conveyed by the goddess. The message is clear after giving a close look at this visual representation. This is what draws me closer in this particular work. The formal elements have contributed a lot towards the construction of this art work. As a matter of fact, I have obtained necessary information towards understanding the nonwestern culture. It is quite an experience to know that a single deity can be manifested or represented in different forms in order to describe her functions in relationship to her worshippers. The visual arts have served their purpose by describi ng how Devi is a single being yet multiple at the same time.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Love Quotes for Her
Love Quotes for Her You know that you are in love when you no longer find the company of your friends as interesting as it used to be. The girl of your dreams occupies your mind all the time. She makes you smile with her funny faces. When she is not around, you miss her terribly. Your heart flips when she looks at you lovingly. Love is a strange feeling. You can immerse yourself in love, yet you feel that you are floating in the air. Love leaves you feeling anxious, but you find yourself bounding with joy. With time, love matures into a mellow relationship. The sparks may not fly thick, but love manifests itself in small gestures. The warm embrace, the tender touch, and the unspoken sacrifice are all manifestations of mature love. She may not necessarily say it to you every day, but her eyes will reveal her devotion. You must reciprocate by sharing your feelings too. Let your sweetheart know that you love her very much. These love quotes for her will sweep her off her feet. Mesmerize her with words of tenderness. These love quotes for her will remain etched in her memory and cement your relationship forever. If you wish to marry her, use these love quotes to make a creative proposal. If you are already married to the woman of your dreams, you can use these eloquent love quotes for dramatic effect. She may scoff at you, but inwardly, she will be pleased. Love Quotes Dave Matthews BandThe space between your heart and mine is the space we’ll fill with time.Elizabeth BrowningLove doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.Honor de BalzacWhen women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues.Katharine HepburnLove has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give which is everything.Lady Marguerite Gardiner BlessingtonA woman’s head is always influenced by heart; but a man’s heart by his head.Louisa May AlcottGirls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.Honor de BalzacWhen women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues.Robert BurnsBut to see her was to love her, love but her, and love h er forever.Lord ByronLike music on the waters is thy sweet voice to me. F. Scott FitzgeraldI love her and thats the beginning and end of everything.Andre GideI wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus, hand in hand, along a sun-warmed, flower-bordered path.Lord ByronShe walks in Beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies,And all thats best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes...Victor HugoWhat I feel for you seems less of earth and more of a cloudless heaven.Gretchen KempThere’s this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. Its the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.George MooreThe hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight and a fountain singing to it. Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.Oliver Wendell HolmesLove is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
MANAGING DECISIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
MANAGING DECISIONS - Essay Example It is with this, that they came up with goals in which they strive to achieve. Tap helps to introduce children to the rhythm and music; it was first introduced in African American dance and named, Juba or Irish Step-Dancing and thought to have taken roots since 1800 when minstrel shows were taking course. Later in 2008, it was started by Rachael when she relocated to Greenwich from Islington after taking a career as a professional dancer. Her aim was to establish the benefits to creative and independent children. The school attracts customers by offering the first free lesson for starters, this works as an encouragement where those who really have the urge to cut down calories voluntarily get encouraged and start the exercises as soon as they get time. Povaly (2007), stated that for old members, the organization charges four weekly, where each day, people pay different rates like, they begin their classes with Tots Tap among the three year olds, where children are first taught how to count music and hold a beat, after gaining this skills, they are then taken to the next step of pre-primary tap. By this time the organization targets the school going child. With goals at hand and support from her clients, Rachael has transformed and brought in new styles of teaching which have integrated dance, music and methods that build on her past experience when she was working with major bodies of dancing in the United States. She has also worked to incorporate her styles with that of the British Ballet Organization, so as to make sure as the groups develop; they are able to work in accredited recognition of their development. The mentioned factor of the growing market is due to the merits the organization is striving to give its clients. An example is where, for starters, they are allowed free services for that day, and then the subsequent days of the week, they are charged at
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Microeconomic Stock Investment Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Microeconomic Stock Investment Project - Essay Example The number of shares bought were 2000, each at US$ 7.94. Lastly, in the portfolio, GPRN bought 598 shares each at US$ 5.63. The share prices appear in the figure 2 below. The investment strategy is to identify the trends and the variation of share process and the number of shares traded in order to decide whether to buy a particular stock or to sell. When the stock prices reduce and move towards the minimum threshold, the business decision is to buy more of the tock. On the other hand, if the stock price grows towards the maximum, the decision is to sell as many of the stock as possible. From the fake stock game, the stocks identified for sale were CVM at US$ 1.19 and CERE at US $ 1.05. The stock identified for sale was C at 47.74 and EBAY at US$. 53.96. The prevailing business is influenced by inevitable economic conditions such as the fluctuation of stock prices. This makes it difficult to set optimal prices at which the decisions can be made to either sell or buy the stocks (Hubbard 77). Secondly, the business is affected by liquidity challenges. The buying power of the business is low as exhibited by the low purchases of high value stock and investment on short-term basis. The business is headed for greater portfolio size in the future since the number of selling and buying transactions is dynamic. The strength of the portfolio is focused on diversification, innovation and intelligent study of the contemporary stock market. Indeed, the analysis was relevant as a tool for predicting the future dynamics of this portfolio and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Plasma Television And LCD Television Essay Example for Free
Plasma Television And LCD Television Essay Introduction Television technology has continued to evolve to be what it is today since the late 1930s when it was first commercially available. Today the television set has become a very basic household commodity in institutions and homes as source of entertainment and news. The T.V. today has evolved from the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to such advanced technology like the Plasma and LCD televisions that have taken the world by storm. But what’s the difference between these two latest models? Outwardly the models are almost alike, they are thin and flat. However, they differ in the technology behind them though they deliver almost similar results. (Robert Silva) The technology behind the Plasma television is based on the fluorescent light lamb and the display consists of cells. A narrow gap separates the two glass panels within each cell, where neon-xenon gas is injected and sealed in plasma form in the process of manufacturing. The LCD television on the hand uses a different technology of manufacture. LCD panels that are made of two layers of transparent material are â€Å"polarized†and bound together. (Robert Silva)  A special polymer is coated in one of the layers that hold the various liquid crystals. To create an image, current is passed through each individual crystal, these allows the crystals to pass or block light forming an image. Because the crystals by nature do not produce their own light, external lights like a fluorescent bulb are required to illuminate the created images for visibility. (Robert Silva) LCD television is more expensive than the Plasma television, however most consumers or users are never interested in the technicalities thus do not understand the difference, all they look for is a stylish set to suit their homes. (Robert Silva) REFERENCE Robert Silva: What are the Differences Between an LCD TV and a Plasma TV? Retrieved on 17th March 2008, from http://hometheater.about.com/od/lcdtvfaqs/f/lcdfaq2.htm
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Da Evil Deer :: essays research papers
It all started on the opening day of deer season. The beautiful day was just cold enough to want a jacket but, but hot enough to where if one was worn you’d sweat to death! It seemed like a typical opening day. It wasn’t though, it turned out to be quite different.      I walked out to my favorite tree belt with my trusty gun at my side and waited for the buck I had been eyeing for months. I needed a nice buck this year. See I bet Buddy that my deer would be twice as big as his. Twenty bucks was up for grabs and I needed to buy a new paintball gun.      As I thought about what kind of gun I wanted, the biggest buck I had ever seen showed up about 100 yards away from where I sat. That was my ticket to twenty dollars. I raised up my gun, put the deer in my crosshairs, and sat there for a second to admire it’s beauty. That‘s not all I noticed though. The deer had red eyes, and below the red eyes, on the ground, set an AK-47 with a weird scope.      I thought sweet! Not only will I get twenty dollars, I’ll also get a new assault rifle that someone left lying around! Then it occurred to me that I was the prey. I got up and ran! Lead flung by me as I made my way to the Jeep. All of a sudden blood started squirting out of my leg! I thought cool, that didn’t even hurt! But my leg gave out and I fell to the ground.      As I was lying there, I devised a new plan. I layed their acting dead and waited for the deer to pick me up. He threw me over his shoulder, and I slowly pulled out my hunting knife. A quick slice and the psychotic, evil deer was laying on the ground out cold. The twenty bucks was mine! Then, as I was cutting the deer open, a button buck jumped out of the evil deer, and my monster buck disappeared! As the deer hopped away I noticed two things.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Epidemiology : History on Thomas Sydenham
Background of Thomas Sydenham (Father of Clinical Observation) Name: Thomas Sydenham Date of Birth: 10 December 1624 Place of Birth: Wynford Eagle Education: * Commenced the study of medicine at Magdalene Hall, Oxford in 1642 * After 2 months interrupted his studies to participate in the civil war on the parliamentary side * He returned to the university in 1645 to enter Wadham College to become a physician * Received his Bachelor of Medicine in 1648 * Studied with Christopher Wren about natural scientists conducting physiological experiment at Oxford Achievement: Become a â€Å"Captain Sydenham†at the first civil war in 1654 * Married with Mary Gee (1654) * Nominated to Parliament in 1659 (but not elected) * Become a licentiate of the Royal College of Physician * Received a doctorate from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1676) Year of Death: 1689 Cause of death: Gout and Renal disease (left three sons: William (also a physician), Henry and James) Contribution of Thomas Sydenham to the Medic World It was in London in the middle of the 1650’s Thomas Sydenham began his exacting studies of epidemics. There was much contribution that has been made by him during his studies about epidemics.The contribution that he had been made was: * Form the basic book on fever on 1666 * Observationes Medicae a standard textbook for two centuries on 1676 * Presented the theory of an epidemic constitution, Eg. Conditions in the environment which cause the occurrence of acute diseases (1683) * He noted the link between fleas and typhus fever * Introduced opium into medical practice and was the first to use iron-deficiency anaemia * Treatment fever with fresh air and cooling drink was an improvement on the sweating methods previously employed * Moderate treatment of smallpox by using cinchona â€Å"Sydenham’s chorea†aka. St Vitus Dance * Differentiation between gout and rheumatism, scarlet fever and measles, malaria and other fever, and chorea and St Vitus D ance * Write a description about dysentery, pneumonia, mental disease, tuberculosis, influenza, trigeminal neuralgia, croup and syphilis There are some of observation that was a Thomas Sydenham’s contribution has been revolutionized by medical practice in 17th century there are: * Discovery of circulation by Harvey* A philosophy of science by Bacon Disease by Ramazzini * Microscopic revelation by Malpighi and Leewnhoek Philosophy, concept, theory and any thought by Thomas Sydenham One of the famous Thomas Sydenham’s theories is Sydenham’s chorea and also known as St. Vitus Dance. Discovery by him on 17th century. Sydenham’s chorea Definition: The disease that characterized by rapid or uncoordinated jerking movement affecting primarily the face, feet and hand. Causes: * Cerebra vascular accidents * Collegen vascular disease * Drugs intoxication * Hyperthyroidism Wilson’s disease * Huntington’s disease * Infectious disease Treatment: * Penicil lin * Behavioral and emotional changes may precede the movement disorders * Haloperidol, pimozide, clonidine * Treatment with steroids One of famous philosophy by Thomas Sydenham: â€Å"A disease, however much its causes may be adverse to the human body, is nothing more than an effort of Nature, who strives with might and main to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbid humor†Medical Observation, section 1, chapter 1.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Enviromental Factors Essay
The four external factors that help organizations achieve optimal function are funding sources, non cash revenues, clients or consumers, and competitors. These four external factors are important to every organization as this is what keeps the organization going. If an organization was to lose any of these factors listed above the organization may not stay at optimal function. â€Å"The six internal factors that help organizations achieve optimal function are organizational purpose, mission, philosophy, organizational planning, organizational operations, human resources, technological resources, and financial resources.†(The six internal factors listed above are what keeps and organization strong and running. These factors cover all aspects of the organization and make sure the organization is on track with the rest of the team members of that same organization. This also helps the organization achieve their goals and be able to meet their needs more efficiently. The factors I felt were most important were clients or consumers, competitors, funding sources, and organizational planning. Every organization needs clients or consumers or their organization would fail, as well every organization needs competition to be far. Funding sources are always important as they help fund and bring money in. Organizational planning can go a long way, if the right person is doing the planning. With careful organizational planning and organization can still be run and be successful. Reference Kettner, P. M. (1993). Acheiving Excellence in the Mangement of Human Services Organizations. Hauppauge, NY: Allyn&Bacon.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Elizabethan Era Essays
The Elizabethan Era Essays The Elizabethan Era Essay The Elizabethan Era Essay The Elizabethan Era is named after the greatest Queens of England, Queen Elizabeth I. The era of the first theatres in England, where great writers like William Shakespeare showed their creations. Shakespeare’s work is still important in the English literature and he is one of the most important writers of all time. Nowadays, people still try to understand every detail of his work, which is hard because there is not that much information about the life of Shakespeare. Luckily there are other ways to understand his work, having knowledge about the time in which Shakespeare lived will give a lot of information about his work. That is why knowledge of the Elizabethan Era is fundamental for understanding the works of Shakespeare. Firstly, to understand the work of a writer it is important to get to know that writer. The most important thing is to know in which time they lived and what upbringing they got. A writer does not simply write a story out of nothin g. A writer gets inspiration, and with that inspiration they get started. Writers are heavily influenced by their surroundings, their upbringing and their religion, so that is were a lot of inspirations comes from. Because of Shakespeare’s upbringing, which was in the Reformation, he wrote about themes like redemption and atonement. Especially in some plays he wrote these themes are important. These themes has to do with thing that were important in the time in which Shakespeare lived. Because of this, having knowledge of the Elizabethan Era is fundamental for understanding the works of Shakespeare. Secondly, to understand Shakespeare people need to understand the language in which he writes. Obviously his work is written in English, but language is a living, breathing entity and over 400 years there have been significant changes in the way we write and speak English. In the Elizabethan Era the English language was different from what it is nowadays. Getting to understand that language is one key to success in understanding Shakespeare. Learning more about the Elizabethan Era will also give you more information about the language what was used in that era. Therefore having knowledge of the Elizabethan Era is fundamental for understanding the works of Shakespeare. In conclusion, it is important to have sufficient knowledge of the Elizabethan Era for understanding the works of Shakespeare. Writers are influenced by their surroundings and so the time in which they live. Another important thing to understanding a writer is to understand the language his work is written, the language is, of course, influenced by the time in which it is written. Therefore when people want to understand the work of Shakespeare, it is important for them to have sufficient knowledge of the Elizabethan Era.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tree Leaf Abscission and Cellular Senescence
Tree Leaf Abscission and Cellular Senescence Leaf abscission occurs at the end of annual plant senescence which causes the tree to achieve winter dormancy. Abscission The word abscission in biological terms means shedding of various parts of an organism. The noun is of Latin origin and was first used in 15th century English as a word to describe the act or process of cutting off. Abscission, in botanical terms, most commonly describes the process by which a plant drops one or more of its parts. This shedding or dropping process includes spent flowers, secondary twigs, ripe fruits and seeds and, for the sake of this discussion, a leaf. When leaves fulfill their summer duty of producing food and growth regulators, a process of shutting down and sealing off the leaf begins. The leaf is connected to a tree via its petiole and the twig-to-leaf connection is called the abscission zone. The connective tissue cells in this zone specifically grow to be easily broken apart when the sealing process begins and have a built-in weak point which allows for proper shedding. Most deciduous (means falling in Latin) plants (including hardwood trees) drop their leaves by abscission before winter, while evergreen plants (including coniferous trees) continuously abscise their leaves. Fall leaf abscission is thought to be caused by a reduction of chlorophyll due to shortened hours of sunlight. The zone connective layer begins to harden and blocks the transport of nutrients between the tree and leaf. Once the abscission zone has been blocked, a tear line forms and the leaf is blown away or falls off. A protective layer seals the wound, preventing water evaporating and bugs getting in. Senescence Interestingly, abscission is the very last step in the process of cellular senescence of deciduous plant/tree leaves. Senescence is a naturally designed process of the aging of certain cells that takes place in a series of events that prepares a tree for dormancy. Abscission can also occur in trees outside of autumn shedding and dormancy. Leaves of plants can abscise as a means of plant defense. Some examples of this are: dropping of insect-damaged and diseased leaves for water conservation; leaf fall after biotic and abiotic tree stresses including chemical contact, excessive sunlight, and heat; increased contact with plant growth hormones.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Early Byzantine and Christian Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Early Byzantine and Christian Art - Essay Example One painting that gives a certain interpretation to a piece of literature is called Dido Makes a Sacrifice and was painted to go along with Virgil’s Aeneid. This painting goes away from the passionate language that is used in the Virgil text and instead focuses on the importance of imperial sacrifice. This is because as the times change, so did the values of the people and therefore, the painters wished to accomplish something much different than Virgil. The painting itself features the emperor personified as a military leader and a powerful human being. One reason for this is that the emperor was viewed as the head of the Church as well, making him an important religious figure. There is also very little detail in the background of this painting, which gives the viewer the impression that nothing but the emperor matters. Virgil wished for this section of the text to show the passion that Dido had in her life, although this could be because Dido was depicted in a variety of di fferent manner, like â€Å"an enchantress, like Calypso; a temptress, like Eve; a seducer, like Cleopatra, or a mere adventuress in wait for a marriageable and warlike widower highly desirable for a defenceless female in the midst of barbarous neighbors†(Pease, 1927, P. 246). It was meant to show fire and emotion, but this painting takes this emotion out of the section and, therefore, it could possibly change the reading that someone would take of the actual text. This painting instead focuses on the positive traits of the emperor.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The impact of short staffing on qualityof care and safety of the Essay - 1
The impact of short staffing on qualityof care and safety of the patients - Essay Example In addition, a critical analysis of the effects of short staffing of nurses in various hospitals in United Kingdom is established in the research paper (Bullock, Clark and Rycroft-Malone, 2012). The essay utilises existing literature regarding the influence short staffing of nurses on the quality of the services and the safety of the nurses. The issue of the relationship between patient’s safety and short staffing of the nurses remains controversial in the healthcare sector. The safety of the patients refers to the conditions that contribute to infections, death and ineffective treatment. Most healthcare facilities in the world focus on promoting the safety of the patients by acquiring adequate number of nurses in various preventive health and treatment department. In addition, the safety of the patient is the critical determinant of the effectiveness of the treatment criteria at the hospital. A safe healthcare facility tends to attract more clients because of the trusts and confidence patients have on its services. Nursing scholars and managers have explored the concept of the correlation between the patient’s safety and staffing (Barron, 2009). According to the research, short staffing refers to availability of inadequate number of personnel in a particular organisation. Most of the researchers focus on the negative influences of short staffing of the nurses on the safety and wellbeing of the patients. According to various studies in the healthcare sector, the safety of the patients correlates directly with short staffing of nurses in hospitals (Vincent, 2010). In this case, short staffing of the care giving personnel results to adverse effects on the patients health in a healthcare environment. In addition, research indicates that patients suffer minimum complications and recuperate faster when they obtain adequate nursing care at the hospital. Furthermore, a
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